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Classic Truck (OLD) Magazine No.8 Show Stopper Edizione posteriore

11 Recensioni   •  English   •   Aviation & Transport (Automotive)
Here’s hoping you’ve all escaped the worst of the dreadful weather
we’ve been suffering over the past few months! Starting on page 6, there is a new tool available that’ll be useful to vehicle restorers, a kingpin range has been expanded and now encompasses more classic trucks, and we report on a mad team who drove to Mongolia in an LDV van for charity! We feature a Volvo fleet operator who opted for a Scania when he wanted to restore a truck to promote his business (page 14), while the
ERF EC-series – introduced as a challenge to the foreign imports flooding the UK market (page 20) is the subject of our Model Profile this issue.
The Beedie Brothers have a Volvo F16 in their fleet (page 28). Used to tow a trailer to shows, they reckon it could easily be put to work if necessary, while reader Gerald Sichel recalls a DAF his dad ran in the past as an
owner-driver (page 36). Turn to page 38 to see more trucks at work in the 1990s as seen through the lens of Peter Davies, and pages 42-43 is our splendid centre-spread picture – this issue showing a DAF 2500 at work in the docks. Few will not have heard of Gibb’s of Fraserburgh – their smartly liveried trucks pulling reefer trailers were once a common sight cross the UK and we have one family’s memories of this striking company (page 44). We’ve raided the archives again and come up with, among other things, a special off-road truck built for the military, and a host of gear long-distance truck drivers would have needed following the introduction of sleeper cabs (page 50). Meanwhile, Reading-based operator John Mould cleared a number of his classics recently, both restored and awaiting restoration, at an auction held at his premises
and Classic Truck was there to see the gavel fall on these sought-after lots (page 52).
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Classic Truck (OLD)

No.8 Show Stopper Here’s hoping you’ve all escaped the worst of the dreadful weather we’ve been suffering over the past few months! Starting on page 6, there is a new tool available that’ll be useful to vehicle restorers, a kingpin range has been expanded and now encompasses more classic trucks, and we report on a mad team who drove to Mongolia in an LDV van for charity! We feature a Volvo fleet operator who opted for a Scania when he wanted to restore a truck to promote his business (page 14), while the ERF EC-series – introduced as a challenge to the foreign imports flooding the UK market (page 20) is the subject of our Model Profile this issue. The Beedie Brothers have a Volvo F16 in their fleet (page 28). Used to tow a trailer to shows, they reckon it could easily be put to work if necessary, while reader Gerald Sichel recalls a DAF his dad ran in the past as an owner-driver (page 36). Turn to page 38 to see more trucks at work in the 1990s as seen through the lens of Peter Davies, and pages 42-43 is our splendid centre-spread picture – this issue showing a DAF 2500 at work in the docks. Few will not have heard of Gibb’s of Fraserburgh – their smartly liveried trucks pulling reefer trailers were once a common sight cross the UK and we have one family’s memories of this striking company (page 44). We’ve raided the archives again and come up with, among other things, a special off-road truck built for the military, and a host of gear long-distance truck drivers would have needed following the introduction of sleeper cabs (page 50). Meanwhile, Reading-based operator John Mould cleared a number of his classics recently, both restored and awaiting restoration, at an auction held at his premises and Classic Truck was there to see the gavel fall on these sought-after lots (page 52).

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Issue Cover

Classic Truck (OLD)  |  No.8 Show Stopper  

Here’s hoping you’ve all escaped the worst of the dreadful weather
we’ve been suffering over the past few months! Starting on page 6, there is a new tool available that’ll be useful to vehicle restorers, a kingpin range has been expanded and now encompasses more classic trucks, and we report on a mad team who drove to Mongolia in an LDV van for charity! We feature a Volvo fleet operator who opted for a Scania when he wanted to restore a truck to promote his business (page 14), while the
ERF EC-series – introduced as a challenge to the foreign imports flooding the UK market (page 20) is the subject of our Model Profile this issue.
The Beedie Brothers have a Volvo F16 in their fleet (page 28). Used to tow a trailer to shows, they reckon it could easily be put to work if necessary, while reader Gerald Sichel recalls a DAF his dad ran in the past as an
owner-driver (page 36). Turn to page 38 to see more trucks at work in the 1990s as seen through the lens of Peter Davies, and pages 42-43 is our splendid centre-spread picture – this issue showing a DAF 2500 at work in the docks. Few will not have heard of Gibb’s of Fraserburgh – their smartly liveried trucks pulling reefer trailers were once a common sight cross the UK and we have one family’s memories of this striking company (page 44). We’ve raided the archives again and come up with, among other things, a special off-road truck built for the military, and a host of gear long-distance truck drivers would have needed following the introduction of sleeper cabs (page 50). Meanwhile, Reading-based operator John Mould cleared a number of his classics recently, both restored and awaiting restoration, at an auction held at his premises
and Classic Truck was there to see the gavel fall on these sought-after lots (page 52).
Per saperne di più leggere di meno
Take a trip down memory lane to the 1980s and 1990s and enjoy the range of features on trucking from this era through to more recent times. We look at Classics still at work, how they were received when new, and some rare examples of restored and well maintained lorries.

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Basato su 11 Recensioni dei clienti
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Classic Truck (OLD) January 2020 January 2020 Acquista per €4,99 Vista | Al carrello
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Classic Truck (OLD) November 2019 November 2019 Acquista per €4,99 Vista | Al carrello
Classic Truck (OLD) October 2019 October 2019 Acquista per €4,99 Vista | Al carrello
Classic Truck (OLD) September 2019 September 2019 Acquista per €4,99 Vista | Al carrello
Classic Truck (OLD) August 2019 August 2019 Acquista per €4,99 Vista | Al carrello
Classic Truck (OLD) July 2019 July 2019 Acquista per €4,99 Vista | Al carrello
Classic Truck (OLD) Summer 2019 Summer 2019 Acquista per €4,99 Vista | Al carrello
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