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Computer Arts Magazine Spring 2013 Edizione posteriore

9 Recensioni   •  English   •   Art & Photography (Design)
Meet the creative pioneers putting
a fresh spin on display typography
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Computer Arts

Spring 2013 THE TYPOGRAPHIC REVOLUTION Meet the creative pioneers putting a fresh spin on display typography

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Issue Cover

Computer Arts  |  Spring 2013  

Meet the creative pioneers putting
a fresh spin on display typography
Per saperne di più leggere di meno

Computer Arts Magazine is the perfect read for those who want to improve or enhance their various creative skills - whether as a graphic designer, illustrator or creative professional. In every issue of Computer Arts, top creatives provide you with answers to everyday problems that creative professionals face every day and give you ingenious ways to solve them. You’re sure to pick up a whole collection of techniques to improve your productivity and skills.

On top of quick shortcuts and process improvements, you’ll also receive cutting-edge guides on how to use various forms of creative software. In every issue you will get fresh guides on how to use Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, After Effects, Flash and more. If you’re looking to become a more versatile creative with knowledge and skills in various software then Computer Arts Magazine is here to assist.

Computer Arts Magazine has been trusted by digital designers for the last 20 years due to its ability to identify and inform it’s readers on industry news as well as creative developments and trends. All this plus a host of monthly tips and guides to develop your productivity and skills makes it’s a revered handbook for thousands of creative professionals.

A Computer Arts Magazine Digital Subscription will provide you with the following:

  • Instant digital access to the magazine as soon as it drops.
  • Updates on the latest industry developments and trends.
  • A host of creative projects that are sure to inspire.
  • Showcases of influential agencies and various creatives.
  • Opinions and interviews with the world's leading designers.
  • Everyday tips to help improve your productivity and efficiency.
  • In-depth guides to help you master various pieces of design software.
  • Available to download and read on any compatible device (eg: Tablets, phones and computers).

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Basato su 9 Recensioni dei clienti
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