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Country Life Magazine December 11 2013 Edizione posteriore

31 Recensioni   •  English   •   Leisure Interest (Outdoors)
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Country Life

December 11 2013 Country Life

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Questo numero e gli altri numeri arretrati non sono inclusi in un Country Life abbonamento. Gli abbonamenti includono l'ultimo numero regolare e i nuovi numeri usciti durante l'abbonamento e partono da un prezzo minimo di €2,55 per numero . Se volete abbonarvi, date un'occhiata al nostro sito web Opzioni di abbonamento
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Issue Cover

Country Life  |  December 11 2013  

Launched in 1897, Country Life has brought and continues to bring, readers everything that is great about the British way of life, from properties and gardens to antiques and fine wines. A trusted source of information for anyone seeking to enjoy the best things in life. Offering conversation, news and reviews on the finer things in life, guiding you through the luxury country lifestyle you lead or aspire to have. The expert team behind Country Life collate for you exquisite photography and world-class writing, you’ll thoroughly look forward to each and every issue.

The success of the magazine has predominantly been built on its coverage of country house architecture and perhaps that’s what you would expect from your subscription, you’ll be pleasantly surprised to discover further rural pursuits and interests included in every issue. Over the years, Country Life has celebrated its success with celebrity features and souvenir issues including Charles, Prince of Wales, guest-editing an issue. Other special editions include a commemorative issue for the Queen’s 90th birthday, as well as a Best of Britain edition celebrating all that is great in the UK from landscapes to craftsmen.

If you’re looking for the secret to enjoying every element of country living then Country Life is the digital magazine for you. Maximise your love for the countryside, its properties and gardens and allow the in-depth articles from the Country Life to do all the hard work for you, seeking out the latest information on what to buy, where to eat and what to wear with a special monthly luxury and interiors section offering readers informed ideas about the latest in style, jewellery, travel and more.

Subscribe to Country Life digital magazine - download the latest magazine to your device and enjoy immediately today! 

A Country Life digital magazine subscription is a must-read for anyone looking to enjoy the British countryside, discover:

  • Topical issues affecting Britain’s countryside
  • Rich source of inspiration for rural life
  • An extensive property section boasting the latest homes and estates to buy
  • Regular features from experts in the know
  • Regular news and opinions pieces
  • Illustrative material
  • Informed ideas about the latest in style, travel & more
  • Delivered directly to your device every month

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Basato su 31 Recensioni dei clienti
Visualizza le recensioni

Country Life

Your magazine is not only about country life, it deals with many other interesting subjects. And I think Country Life has no competitors. it is simply unique. Keep on with this wonderful style.

Recensito 30 agosto 2021

Country Life

Beautiful, well-written publication with aericles of cultural significance. Superb. Recensito 07 ottobre 2020

Country Life

Being an avid reader of Country Life over the past several years, I can honestly attest to the sheer pleasure derived from discussing some of the articles with friends and neighbors here in the states. Though the climatic variations as well as topical geography differs greatly from the English countryside, we here within the countryside on the north-eastern coast can truly identify with many of our fellow English countryside counterparts.

Your periodical is wonderful, well put together, and a great inspiration for many us who both love, live, and relish every aspect of country life living. Perhaps even more so now with the Corona-virus global pandemic forcing many (in both Urban & Countryside locations) to have to shelter-in-place and stay home.

Thank you so much for the uplifting stories and fun energetic pieces you've published throughout this crisis.

Thanks again,

Keep up the good work!!!

Prometheus Worley

Recensito 23 aprile 2020

Country Life

Just keep doing what you're doing! Recensito 25 marzo 2020

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