Custom Car  |  April 2024
The April issue of Custom Car comes careening in with another hot and heavy dose of rods, mods and auto odds-n-sods guaranteed to give you that fuelled-up fix!
Front and centre stage this month is a Ford Consul Capri on it’s second go around the customisation clock. The lavender lovely that graces our front cover celebrates it’s ‘second coming’ with latest owner Terry Barton who tells us it was well worth all the effort to pull this purple princess out of it’s historical haze. Read the full story from page 10.
Just because one can, doesn’t necessarily mean one should… unless you are Ron Haslett that is! We talk to the director of Insane Creations about how pushing the boundaries and doing something different is his mantra when it comes to producing cars that buck the trend in all the right places.
Livin’ rather than dreamin’ in California, Jay Dean reveals how working hard to carve out a niche for himself on the car scene across the pond has meant he can now enjoy a (admittedly expensive!) nice life in the sunshine doing what he loves – rodding and racing of course!
We review the 50th anniversary of the National Street Van Associations Truck-In with a golden glimpse at the amazing mix of vans and customs that turned out for the event. Get your envy antidote ready because there were some beauties to behold…
A sincere moment of reflection given the sad losses we have felt on the scene this past year felt heavily appropriate given just how many there have been. Keith Lee leads us in tribute on page 52.
With more events on the calendar than ever, the latest updates from the strip and features from all corners of the custom collective, this month’s issue is a class winner!
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Di seguito una selezione di articoli in Custom Car April 2024.