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Dante Magazine DANTE Feb-Mar 2017 Edizione posteriore

3 Recensioni   •  English   •   Art & Photography (Art)
DANTE likes to do things differently. We have been developing a series of covers with distinguished artists. Unique artworks only to be found on our pages. This time, we have been working on the cover image with the talented Brazilian artist Jorge Matheus. This follows our co-operation in the last issue with Mataro da Vergato of Italy and memorable covers with Nicola Roos of South Africa and London-based Ewa (Wilczynski). Jorge’s extraordinary vision lifted him clear of some of the six “hot artists” who we include in our semi-regular feature on names to watch. We have no doubt that they are some huge artists of the future. Another reason is that Jorge’s art is wonderful and wacky – and we had decided to make this our wacky issue. A fair few of the articles fit the theme.
Our definition of “wacky” is a broad one, to fit the fact that is carnival season in Venice. The time of weird and wonderful goings-on for all kinds. Those people brought up in the Anglo-Saxon tradition may be less well versed in the Latin carnival, or “carne vale”, and at DANTE, as the only international magazine with an Italian soul, we felt honour bound to explain. Massimo Gava looks at the carnival’s colourful traditions while celebrity chef Marco Pernini takes time away from cooking up macrobiotic recipes for the likes of Madonna to tell us about carnival cakes that are good at any time of year or anywhere.
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DANTE Feb-Mar 2017 DANTE likes to do things differently. We have been developing a series of covers with distinguished artists. Unique artworks only to be found on our pages. This time, we have been working on the cover image with the talented Brazilian artist Jorge Matheus. This follows our co-operation in the last issue with Mataro da Vergato of Italy and memorable covers with Nicola Roos of South Africa and London-based Ewa (Wilczynski). Jorge’s extraordinary vision lifted him clear of some of the six “hot artists” who we include in our semi-regular feature on names to watch. We have no doubt that they are some huge artists of the future. Another reason is that Jorge’s art is wonderful and wacky – and we had decided to make this our wacky issue. A fair few of the articles fit the theme. Our definition of “wacky” is a broad one, to fit the fact that is carnival season in Venice. The time of weird and wonderful goings-on for all kinds. Those people brought up in the Anglo-Saxon tradition may be less well versed in the Latin carnival, or “carne vale”, and at DANTE, as the only international magazine with an Italian soul, we felt honour bound to explain. Massimo Gava looks at the carnival’s colourful traditions while celebrity chef Marco Pernini takes time away from cooking up macrobiotic recipes for the likes of Madonna to tell us about carnival cakes that are good at any time of year or anywhere.

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Dante issue DANTE Feb-Mar 2017

Dante  |  DANTE Feb-Mar 2017  

DANTE likes to do things differently. We have been developing a series of covers with distinguished artists. Unique artworks only to be found on our pages. This time, we have been working on the cover image with the talented Brazilian artist Jorge Matheus. This follows our co-operation in the last issue with Mataro da Vergato of Italy and memorable covers with Nicola Roos of South Africa and London-based Ewa (Wilczynski). Jorge’s extraordinary vision lifted him clear of some of the six “hot artists” who we include in our semi-regular feature on names to watch. We have no doubt that they are some huge artists of the future. Another reason is that Jorge’s art is wonderful and wacky – and we had decided to make this our wacky issue. A fair few of the articles fit the theme.
Our definition of “wacky” is a broad one, to fit the fact that is carnival season in Venice. The time of weird and wonderful goings-on for all kinds. Those people brought up in the Anglo-Saxon tradition may be less well versed in the Latin carnival, or “carne vale”, and at DANTE, as the only international magazine with an Italian soul, we felt honour bound to explain. Massimo Gava looks at the carnival’s colourful traditions while celebrity chef Marco Pernini takes time away from cooking up macrobiotic recipes for the likes of Madonna to tell us about carnival cakes that are good at any time of year or anywhere.
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DANTE is an international magazine covering life and style, arts, culture and more. Editorially driven, nonpartisan, and independent of any other media group or interest, DANTE is packed with features, helping you to identify trends and names of the future, and covering topics before the competition. Published every two months, each essential issue of DANTE will illuminate and inspire.

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Basato su 3 Recensioni dei clienti
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Like The Economist for people with style

Like The Economist for people with style. Good range of topics and easy to flick through - very nice! Recensito 16 marzo 2016

A great magazine

A great magazine – not about a poet of the past but a clever look into the future with informed predictions on just about everything. The app does it justice too. Recensito 16 marzo 2016

The best all life and all style mag!

As an Italian who now lives in the UK,
having Dante magazine as an app
allows me to read topics that won’t get
a look-in in other magazines.
I can also keep in touch with global trends
and names of the future.
It is really smooth and easy to get around,
with good interactive elements.
I love the consistently well written
features by respected journalists.
The app covers loads of sections from
Art, Culture, Film, Travel and more…
So I never miss out on anything!
Recensito 15 marzo 2016

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