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DIVER Magazine JANUARY 2021 Edizione posteriore

38 Recensioni   •  English   •   Sport (Boards & Watersports)
In the JANUARY 2021 issue of DIVER

BLACKWATER – Diving the nightshift – it’s sweeping the ocean!
PADDLEFISH – Jurassic survivor lurking in US lakes.
U-BOATS – North Sea divers help to build a model.
INLAND SITES – All-seasons locations to enjoy in England & Wales.
SEADRAGONS – Images of a diver favourite are in demand.
SHARKS – Surprises on Red Sea liveaboard trip.
PHOTOGRAPHY – Whale milk & jellies – winning images from a European photo contest.
SCOTLAND – Ross McLaren revisits some favourite wreck sites.

First In – Editor’s view.
News – Taking DCI too lightly – and a great weight find.
Beachcomber – Bond-style underwater chase – or is it?
Trewavas – If you doubt the science, don’t be a diver!
Be the Champ! – Alex Mustard on how divers enhance wreck photos.
Booking Now – Get away from it all in 2021!
Review – New books on sharks & shipwrecks.
Diver Tests – Mares Dragon BC plus a weightbelt & a dive-mask.
Just Surfaced – New but untested products.
Deep Breath – ‘Teaching a diver with a disability changed my life’.
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JANUARY 2021 In the JANUARY 2021 issue of DIVER BLACKWATER – Diving the nightshift – it’s sweeping the ocean! PADDLEFISH – Jurassic survivor lurking in US lakes. U-BOATS – North Sea divers help to build a model. INLAND SITES – All-seasons locations to enjoy in England & Wales. SEADRAGONS – Images of a diver favourite are in demand. SHARKS – Surprises on Red Sea liveaboard trip. PHOTOGRAPHY – Whale milk & jellies – winning images from a European photo contest. SCOTLAND – Ross McLaren revisits some favourite wreck sites. REGULAR COLUMNS: First In – Editor’s view. News – Taking DCI too lightly – and a great weight find. Beachcomber – Bond-style underwater chase – or is it? Trewavas – If you doubt the science, don’t be a diver! Be the Champ! – Alex Mustard on how divers enhance wreck photos. Booking Now – Get away from it all in 2021! Review – New books on sharks & shipwrecks. Diver Tests – Mares Dragon BC plus a weightbelt & a dive-mask. Just Surfaced – New but untested products. Deep Breath – ‘Teaching a diver with a disability changed my life’.

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Issue Cover

DIVER  |  JANUARY 2021  

In the JANUARY 2021 issue of DIVER

BLACKWATER – Diving the nightshift – it’s sweeping the ocean!
PADDLEFISH – Jurassic survivor lurking in US lakes.
U-BOATS – North Sea divers help to build a model.
INLAND SITES – All-seasons locations to enjoy in England & Wales.
SEADRAGONS – Images of a diver favourite are in demand.
SHARKS – Surprises on Red Sea liveaboard trip.
PHOTOGRAPHY – Whale milk & jellies – winning images from a European photo contest.
SCOTLAND – Ross McLaren revisits some favourite wreck sites.

First In – Editor’s view.
News – Taking DCI too lightly – and a great weight find.
Beachcomber – Bond-style underwater chase – or is it?
Trewavas – If you doubt the science, don’t be a diver!
Be the Champ! – Alex Mustard on how divers enhance wreck photos.
Booking Now – Get away from it all in 2021!
Review – New books on sharks & shipwrecks.
Diver Tests – Mares Dragon BC plus a weightbelt & a dive-mask.
Just Surfaced – New but untested products.
Deep Breath – ‘Teaching a diver with a disability changed my life’.
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DIVER is Britain's best-selling scuba diving magazine – regularly out-performing all its competitors combined on the open market.

DIVER Magazine's coverage of every aspect of the sport is unrivalled, especially in the realms of dive-gear testing, training, dive holiday destinations and underwater photography. Over more than four decades it has established a formidable reputation for expert and authoritative reporting of the news, views and features that matter to all scuba divers.

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Basato su 38 Recensioni dei clienti
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It's an excellent magazine I've read on & off for 25 years .. consistently excellent engaging content Recensito 02 febbraio 2021


Best dive magazine out there! Recensito 21 giugno 2020

Very exciting

Full of great articles Recensito 24 luglio 2019

One of the best

Great for new and experienced divers Recensito 18 luglio 2019

Best diving mag

This is by far the best diving mag. Great features and amazing photos Recensito 25 novembre 2012

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DIVER NOVEMBER 2020 NOVEMBER 2020 Acquista per €3,49 Vista | Al carrello
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