In the NOVEMBER 2020 issue of DIVER:
BABBACOMBE – Henley Spiers swaps Far East for West Country.
TIGER ZOO – Everybody’s talking about the Maldives’ Fuvamulah.
MORAYS – Eels are a recurring theme in NZ’s Poor Knights.
TRAINING – Benefits of diver-training the slow way in the UK.
MEXICO – A day in the life at Zihua on the Pacific coast.
GRENADIER – How a tech team located a US sub off Thailand.
NEW CALEDONIA – Still the Garden of Eden.
IRMA – Whichever way the wind blows a diving career.
First – Editor’s view.
News – Wreck revelations from Denmark to Mexico.
Trewavas – On visibility and invisibility.
Be the Champ! – Alex Mustard gets among grey seals this month.
Booking Now – Places to go either now or once restrictions ease.
Diver Tests – Mask, freediving watch and a modesty-preserver!
Just Surfaced – New but untested products.
Deep Breath – Getting into drysuits at Portland.
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Articoli in questo numero
Di seguito una selezione di articoli in DIVER NOVEMBER 2020.