Brian Minchin ponders anagrams...
On 13 April 2016, we started Series 10 in top-level secrecy – and if we’ve got this right, we’ll just have caught you all by surprise. In a locked-down studio, Project Meantown is underway! Scroll back a few hours...
At 22:32 an actress is leaving the stage door at Shaftesbury Avenue, waving off her colleagues as she’s done every night. This time it’s different, though. Instead of turning right she goes left, heading into a dark Soho alley. There, she sneaks unnoticed into a blacked-out Mercedes. Inside, a BBC Wales driver, a Doctor Who script, and, I dunno, some Welsh cakes I hope. All the driver knows is that the person he’s collecting is called Meantown. With her secret identity in place, the new companion makes the journey from Theatreland to a Cardiff full of Daleks and corridors and explosions, all in top secrecy in the dead of night.
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