Drama and Theatre  |  Summer 2 - 23
In the Summer 2 issue of Drama & Theatre, we’re marking the 400th anniversary of Shakespeare’s First Folio by looking into the lives and stories of the editors of this pioneering publication. With teachers’ voices at significant risk of related health conditions, we recommend a few techniques to support stamina and durability of the voice in the classroom. We’re also heading off to Singapore this issue, to visit one of its top performing arts institutions, LASALLE College of the Arts. Plus, if you’ve ever considered taking a group of students to the Edinburgh Festival Fringe, we’ve got a few pointers for how to plan and organise your trip. As it’s our CPD issue, we’re digging into the programme of professional mentoring and development on offer through the National Theatre’s New Views scheme.
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Articoli in questo numero
Di seguito una selezione di articoli in Drama and Theatre Summer 2 - 23.