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Electronic Sound Magazine Issue 109 Edizione posteriore

48 Recensioni   •  English   •   Music (Other)
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The centrepiece of this month's cover feature is a jam-packed A To Zzzzz Of Ambient encompassing countless artists and records alongside labels, sub-genres, events, installations, books, fanzines, radio shows, concepts and much more. It's an entertaining as well as informative directory. Brian Eno pops up all over the shop, as does Alex Paterson, and the list also includes things such as Deep Listening, Whale Sounds, Drone Metal, Repetition, Tone Poems, Mark Rothko's Seagram Murals, Hypnosis, Floating, Ambient Church and Reversing Lorries. Yes, you read that last one right.

There's lots of other good stuff for you elsewhere this issue, including a rare interview with enigmatic Swedish maverick Karin Dreijer, aka Fever Ray. Acclaimed Northern Irish DJ and producer David Holmes meanwhile gives us the lowdown on his new solo album and cultural polymath Don Letts talks about the influences that have made him the one-man tour de force he is today. Plus Mueran Humanos, Universal Harmonies & Frequencies, Peter Howell, Bas Jan, Montañera and Alex H Duncan. The latter is a plant and fungi synthesist. Yes, you read that right too.
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Electronic Sound

Issue 109 The centrepiece of this month's cover feature is a jam-packed A To Zzzzz Of Ambient encompassing countless artists and records alongside labels, sub-genres, events, installations, books, fanzines, radio shows, concepts and much more. It's an entertaining as well as informative directory. Brian Eno pops up all over the shop, as does Alex Paterson, and the list also includes things such as Deep Listening, Whale Sounds, Drone Metal, Repetition, Tone Poems, Mark Rothko's Seagram Murals, Hypnosis, Floating, Ambient Church and Reversing Lorries. Yes, you read that last one right. There's lots of other good stuff for you elsewhere this issue, including a rare interview with enigmatic Swedish maverick Karin Dreijer, aka Fever Ray. Acclaimed Northern Irish DJ and producer David Holmes meanwhile gives us the lowdown on his new solo album and cultural polymath Don Letts talks about the influences that have made him the one-man tour de force he is today. Plus Mueran Humanos, Universal Harmonies & Frequencies, Peter Howell, Bas Jan, Montañera and Alex H Duncan. The latter is a plant and fungi synthesist. Yes, you read that right too.

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Issue Cover

Electronic Sound  |  Issue 109  

The centrepiece of this month's cover feature is a jam-packed A To Zzzzz Of Ambient encompassing countless artists and records alongside labels, sub-genres, events, installations, books, fanzines, radio shows, concepts and much more. It's an entertaining as well as informative directory. Brian Eno pops up all over the shop, as does Alex Paterson, and the list also includes things such as Deep Listening, Whale Sounds, Drone Metal, Repetition, Tone Poems, Mark Rothko's Seagram Murals, Hypnosis, Floating, Ambient Church and Reversing Lorries. Yes, you read that last one right.

There's lots of other good stuff for you elsewhere this issue, including a rare interview with enigmatic Swedish maverick Karin Dreijer, aka Fever Ray. Acclaimed Northern Irish DJ and producer David Holmes meanwhile gives us the lowdown on his new solo album and cultural polymath Don Letts talks about the influences that have made him the one-man tour de force he is today. Plus Mueran Humanos, Universal Harmonies & Frequencies, Peter Howell, Bas Jan, Montañera and Alex H Duncan. The latter is a plant and fungi synthesist. Yes, you read that right too.
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Electronic Sound magazine is famed for its deep electronic foundations and sets the scene for Electronic Sound as a culture and a technology. High-quality journalism and undisputed expertise of the scene make this magazine a must read for fans of electronic music.

The latest technology and toy reviews are available in each monthly issue along with a synth analysis used by the early pioneers. Electric Sounds magazine is a plethora of synth knowledge and you’ll love the tips and tricks from the synth wizard, Synthesiser Dave, with a wealth of advice on repairs and fixes for all of your machines.

Offering you a range of popular monthly features; including artist interviews with past pioneers and future hitmakers, a historic look back at key synth sounds and expert tips within the popular tech advice section.

Whether you’re part of the DIY revolution or a trailblazing studio engineer then Electric Sound is talking about the topics that matter to you, so what are you waiting for? Subscribe to Electronic Sound magazine and download the latest magazine to your device and enjoy today!

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  • The world’s number one electronic sound magazine
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  • Insight from stars of the culture
  • Detailed coverage of all major events and exhibitions
  • Guides on how to repair your machines
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Basato su 48 Recensioni dei clienti
Visualizza le recensioni

Electronic Sound

It would be good to have sound links to hear clips of tracks. Recensito 30 gennaio 2021

Electronic Sound

Great magazine, thank you Recensito 30 settembre 2020

Electronic Sound

Best coverage for global electronic music releases. My favorite mag. Recensito 05 luglio 2020

the best electronic music mag, bar none

It is to all kinds of electronic music, old and new, obscure and well-kent, what the likes of Uncut and Mojo are to trad rock - a high quality print (and online) title, well written and beautifully produced Recensito 15 novembre 2016

The ultimate electronic music magazine

Excellent Recensito 25 agosto 2016

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