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Living Blues Magazine

6 numeri all'anno   |  English
5 Recensioni   •  English   •   Music (Other)
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Living Blues is America’s leading authority on blues music and culture. Published for over 40 years, Living Blues provides in-depth interviews with the genre’s biggest stars, record reviews and the industry’s only blues radio charts.
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Living Blues

Living Blues #292 Living Blues #292 (September/October 2024) features the great drummer Tony Coleman on the cover. Tony “TC” Coleman has drummed behind the best of the best in the blues—Otis Clay, Johnnie Taylor, Bobby “Blue” Bland, and for 35 years, B.B. King. Coleman tells us of his long journey in the blues. There is one man who keeps the blues alive in Lexington, Kentucky, and that’s Tee Dee Young. Young has spent his life making music, and for the last 40 years he has been the proprietor of Tee Dee’s Club, the city’s top blues joint. Detroit guitarist Carlton Washington has devoted his life to playing the blues. Absorbing the sounds of the Motor City, Washington has evolved into a top call player and has backed Thornetta Davis for nearly a decade. One of the original “40 under 40” players from LB’s 25th anniversary issue in 1995, Linwood Taylor is still out there making music his own special way. This issue’s Let It Roll focusses on Stevie Ray Vaughan. Vaughan had a meteoric but brief career. It was just seven years from the recording of his first record, Texas Flood, to his death in 1990. His music was powerful, heartfelt, and pure. We take a look at the recording session that launched it all. All of this plus Breaking Out with Memphis’ Ping Rose, LB Talks To Kim Wilson, the latest in Blues News, and over 50 record and book reviews.

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Issue Cover

Living Blues  |  Living Blues #292  

Living Blues #292 (September/October 2024) features the great drummer Tony Coleman on the cover. Tony “TC” Coleman has drummed behind the best of the best in the blues—Otis Clay, Johnnie Taylor, Bobby “Blue” Bland, and for 35 years, B.B. King. Coleman tells us of his long journey in the blues. There is one man who keeps the blues alive in Lexington, Kentucky, and that’s Tee Dee Young. Young has spent his life making music, and for the last 40 years he has been the proprietor of Tee Dee’s Club, the city’s top blues joint. Detroit guitarist Carlton Washington has devoted his life to playing the blues. Absorbing the sounds of the Motor City, Washington has evolved into a top call player and has backed Thornetta Davis for nearly a decade. One of the original “40 under 40” players from LB’s 25th anniversary issue in 1995, Linwood Taylor is still out there making music his own special way. This issue’s Let It Roll focusses on Stevie Ray Vaughan. Vaughan had a meteoric but brief career. It was just seven years from the recording of his first record, Texas Flood, to his death in 1990. His music was powerful, heartfelt, and pure. We take a look at the recording session that launched it all.
All of this plus Breaking Out with Memphis’ Ping Rose, LB Talks To Kim Wilson, the latest in Blues News, and over 50 record and book reviews.
Per saperne di più leggere di meno
Living Blues is America’s leading authority on blues music and culture. Published for over 40 years, Living Blues provides in-depth interviews with the genre’s biggest stars, record reviews and the industry’s only blues radio charts.

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