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Evo Magazine Porsche Special Edizione speciale

9 Recensioni   •  English   •   Aviation & Transport (Automotive)
Only €7,99
THERE HAD ONLY BEEN ONE PORSCHE ROAD CAR TO WEAR the ‘GT’ badge prior to 1999: the fearsome 993 GT2 homologation special, built to satisfy the regulations that allowed Porsche to dominate global GT racing from Daytona to Le Mans and beyond for more than half a decade. Then along came the first ‘hot’ 996 Carrera and with it the return of the GT name and the birth of an iconic nameplate. One that today is not only considered the pinnacle of Porsche’s achievements wrapped up in its current road cars, but the benchmark for others to take on and try to beat. Then there are the mighty RS models, the road cars that take everything Porsche learns at the track and distils it down to create borderline untouchable road cars. Cars that have evolved to become more racers for the road than road cars for the track. Inside Porsche: Road Racers we have collated a selection of evo’s very best stories featuring these remarkable machines. From epic road trips across the Swiss Alps in the original 996 GT3 and taking the fabulous 718 Cayman GT4 through Scotland’s breathtaking landscapes, to the second-generation 991 GT3, GT3 RS and GT2 RS doing battle on track and both generations of 996 and 997 GT3s head-to-head in the Welsh valleys. There’s more too, including the delectable, Porsche Motorsport-developed Boxster Spyder and desirable 911 Speedster, the 2016 evo Car of the Year-winning 911 R and the awe-inspiring GT3 RS 4.0 on the North Coast 500. Enjoy!
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Porsche Special THERE HAD ONLY BEEN ONE PORSCHE ROAD CAR TO WEAR the ‘GT’ badge prior to 1999: the fearsome 993 GT2 homologation special, built to satisfy the regulations that allowed Porsche to dominate global GT racing from Daytona to Le Mans and beyond for more than half a decade. Then along came the first ‘hot’ 996 Carrera and with it the return of the GT name and the birth of an iconic nameplate. One that today is not only considered the pinnacle of Porsche’s achievements wrapped up in its current road cars, but the benchmark for others to take on and try to beat. Then there are the mighty RS models, the road cars that take everything Porsche learns at the track and distils it down to create borderline untouchable road cars. Cars that have evolved to become more racers for the road than road cars for the track. Inside Porsche: Road Racers we have collated a selection of evo’s very best stories featuring these remarkable machines. From epic road trips across the Swiss Alps in the original 996 GT3 and taking the fabulous 718 Cayman GT4 through Scotland’s breathtaking landscapes, to the second-generation 991 GT3, GT3 RS and GT2 RS doing battle on track and both generations of 996 and 997 GT3s head-to-head in the Welsh valleys. There’s more too, including the delectable, Porsche Motorsport-developed Boxster Spyder and desirable 911 Speedster, the 2016 evo Car of the Year-winning 911 R and the awe-inspiring GT3 RS 4.0 on the North Coast 500. Enjoy!

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