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Fieldsports Journal Magazine The Fieldsports Guide to Gundogs Edizione speciale

15 Recensioni   •  English   •   Leisure Interest (Outdoors)
Only €5,99
What you've all been waiting for… the Fieldsports Guide to Gundogs bookazine is a must-buy for anyone who owns or has an interest in gundogs.

Our team of experts offer in-depth, step-by-step advice on each and every stage of gundog training, whilst focussing on the obstacles likely to be encountered on the path to shaping the perfect shooting companion.

From choosing a puppy, early training, heelwork and steadiness, to planning training sessions, nutrition, first aid and the minutiae of picking-up, it's all here – jam-packed into 100 glossy pages.

And with trainer interviews, opinion, comment, and world-class photography to boot, it's a steal.

You won't regret it…
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Fieldsports Journal

The Fieldsports Guide to Gundogs What you've all been waiting for… the Fieldsports Guide to Gundogs bookazine is a must-buy for anyone who owns or has an interest in gundogs. Our team of experts offer in-depth, step-by-step advice on each and every stage of gundog training, whilst focussing on the obstacles likely to be encountered on the path to shaping the perfect shooting companion. From choosing a puppy, early training, heelwork and steadiness, to planning training sessions, nutrition, first aid and the minutiae of picking-up, it's all here – jam-packed into 100 glossy pages. And with trainer interviews, opinion, comment, and world-class photography to boot, it's a steal. You won't regret it…

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5,99 / issue
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I risparmi sono calcolati sull'acquisto comparabile di singoli numeri su un periodo di abbonamento annualizzato e possono variare rispetto agli importi pubblicizzati. I calcoli sono solo a scopo illustrativo. Gli abbonamenti digitali includono l'ultimo numero e tutti i numeri regolari pubblicati durante l'abbonamento, se non diversamente indicato. L'abbonamento scelto si rinnoverà automaticamente a meno che non venga annullato nell'area Il mio account fino a 24 ore prima della scadenza dell'abbonamento in corso.

Issue Cover

Fieldsports Journal  |  The Fieldsports Guide to Gundogs  

What you've all been waiting for… the Fieldsports Guide to Gundogs bookazine is a must-buy for anyone who owns or has an interest in gundogs.

Our team of experts offer in-depth, step-by-step advice on each and every stage of gundog training, whilst focussing on the obstacles likely to be encountered on the path to shaping the perfect shooting companion.

From choosing a puppy, early training, heelwork and steadiness, to planning training sessions, nutrition, first aid and the minutiae of picking-up, it's all here – jam-packed into 100 glossy pages.

And with trainer interviews, opinion, comment, and world-class photography to boot, it's a steal.

You won't regret it…
Per saperne di più leggere di meno

Full of outstanding photography and well-written editorial, Fieldsports magazine is a luxurious read that no game shooting enthusiast should be without. Fieldsports features interviews with prominent craftsmen, gamekeepers and hunters enlightening readers on their interests, providing valuable advice and commenting on how they fell in love with country sports. Fieldsports also offers a comprehensive look at the lifestyle of the country gent, including events to attend, the finest wines to taste and discussions regarding restraint when hunting.

A simply spiffing publication, Fieldsports’ forte lies firmly in game shooting, featuring an extensive focus on the importance of acquiring and understanding the principal behind guns and gundogs. If you are on the lookout for insightful reviews regarding the finest guns, superb fishing gear and excellent places to hunt, you can find all of this and more in Fieldsports magazine. With current affairs and country sports news in every issue, you will always stay-up-to date with a magazine subscription to Fieldsports.

A Fieldsports digital magazine subscription is a must for lovers of game shooting, fishing and hunting, who’ll enjoy:

  • Interviews with notable figures in the country sports world
  • Advice on what products you need to secure the perfect shot
  • Insightful news regarding hunting and fishing around the world
  • Recounts of fellow country sportsmen’s days out hunting
  • How to turn your game into delicious, mouthwatering dishes  

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Basato su 15 Recensioni dei clienti
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