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For The Love Of The Game Magazine

0 Recensioni   •  English   •   Sport (Soccer)
Over the past decade or so I have written numerous ‘Blogs’ on various aspects of the game of Association Football.
From a child I have loved the game, but I have become concerned and somewhat disappointed with various aspects of the modern version of it. Although there have been many improvements, serious issues concerning its; - organisational structure, financing, lack of senior playing qualities, poor development methods, Media ‘hype’ etc. are all making
a significant and negative impact that is diverting ‘The Beautiful Game’, as Pele’ described it, towards ‘Hard-nosed Business, where just winning, not HOW one wins, has become the most
important factor. On presenting the Publisher’s with the draft copy late 2017, it was decided it might be better to wait and see how England fared in the 2018 World Cup in Russia. Had we won, then this book might have seemed somewhat negative in its format. However, after yet another disappointing tournament it was decided that this book needed to be presented to the general football public to establish a ‘true picture ’of the rights and wrongs with our game. ‘HYPE and MONEY, not HONESTY and TRUE QUALITY’ now have far too much influence over our football. ‘SIMPLICITY’ is too frequently termed as ‘GREATNESS’, it isn’t!
This book will explain why!
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For The Love Of The Game

For the love of the Game Over the past decade or so I have written numerous ‘Blogs’ on various aspects of the game of Association Football. From a child I have loved the game, but I have become concerned and somewhat disappointed with various aspects of the modern version of it. Although there have been many improvements, serious issues concerning its; - organisational structure, financing, lack of senior playing qualities, poor development methods, Media ‘hype’ etc. are all making a significant and negative impact that is diverting ‘The Beautiful Game’, as Pele’ described it, towards ‘Hard-nosed Business, where just winning, not HOW one wins, has become the most important factor. On presenting the Publisher’s with the draft copy late 2017, it was decided it might be better to wait and see how England fared in the 2018 World Cup in Russia. Had we won, then this book might have seemed somewhat negative in its format. However, after yet another disappointing tournament it was decided that this book needed to be presented to the general football public to establish a ‘true picture ’of the rights and wrongs with our game. ‘HYPE and MONEY, not HONESTY and TRUE QUALITY’ now have far too much influence over our football. ‘SIMPLICITY’ is too frequently termed as ‘GREATNESS’, it isn’t! This book will explain why!

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Issue Cover

For The Love Of The Game  |  For the love of the Game  

Over the past decade or so I have written numerous ‘Blogs’ on various aspects of the game of
Association Football.
From a child I have loved the game, but I have become concerned and somewhat
disappointed with various aspects of the modern version of it. Although there have been
many improvements, serious issues concerning its; - organisational structure, financing, lack
of senior playing qualities, poor development methods, Media ‘hype’ etc. are all making
a significant and negative impact that is diverting ‘The Beautiful Game’, as Pele’ described it,
towards ‘Hard-nosed Business, where just winning, not HOW one wins, has become the most
important factor.
On presenting the Publisher’s with the draft copy late 2017, it was decided it might be better
to wait and see how England fared in the 2018 World Cup in Russia. Had we won, then
this book might have seemed somewhat negative in its format. However, after yet another
disappointing tournament it was decided that this book needed to be presented to the general
football public to establish a ‘true picture ’of the rights and wrongs with our game.
‘HYPE and MONEY, not HONESTY and TRUE QUALITY’ now have far too much influence over
our football. ‘SIMPLICITY’ is too frequently termed as ‘GREATNESS’, it isn’t!
This book will explain why!
Per saperne di più leggere di meno
Over the past decade or so I have written numerous ‘Blogs’ on various aspects of the game of Association Football.
From a child I have loved the game, but I have become concerned and somewhat disappointed with various aspects of the modern version of it. Although there have been many improvements, serious issues concerning its; - organisational structure, financing, lack of senior playing qualities, poor development methods, Media ‘hype’ etc. are all making
a significant and negative impact that is diverting ‘The Beautiful Game’, as Pele’ described it, towards ‘Hard-nosed Business, where just winning, not HOW one wins, has become the most
important factor. On presenting the Publisher’s with the draft copy late 2017, it was decided it might be better to wait and see how England fared in the 2018 World Cup in Russia. Had we won, then this book might have seemed somewhat negative in its format. However, after yet another disappointing tournament it was decided that this book needed to be presented to the general football public to establish a ‘true picture ’of the rights and wrongs with our game. ‘HYPE and MONEY, not HONESTY and TRUE QUALITY’ now have far too much influence over our football. ‘SIMPLICITY’ is too frequently termed as ‘GREATNESS’, it isn’t!
This book will explain why!

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