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Frock Magazine Frock Magazine Issue 005 Edizione posteriore

11 Recensioni   •  English   •   Men's Interest (Gay)
Frock Issue number five steps into the dangerous area of transgender activism. Film producer, Israel Luna defends his movie, "Ticked Off Trannies With Knives" while radical trans people are telling us to boycott it. On a lighter note, we bring you a Frock guide to hosiery, a look at crossdressing in Vietnam and part two of the story of that 1980's TG band, Rubbermaid. In our photo feature, Sydney Starlett has a shoot at The Fourth Space in the UK and you'll be on the floor with our 100 best dumb blonde jokes (hey, I'm a blonde). There's horoscopes and personal ads and even more stories and heaps more.
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Frock Magazine

Frock Magazine Issue 005 Frock Issue number five steps into the dangerous area of transgender activism. Film producer, Israel Luna defends his movie, "Ticked Off Trannies With Knives" while radical trans people are telling us to boycott it. On a lighter note, we bring you a Frock guide to hosiery, a look at crossdressing in Vietnam and part two of the story of that 1980's TG band, Rubbermaid. In our photo feature, Sydney Starlett has a shoot at The Fourth Space in the UK and you'll be on the floor with our 100 best dumb blonde jokes (hey, I'm a blonde). There's horoscopes and personal ads and even more stories and heaps more.

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Frock Magazine  |  Frock Magazine Issue 005  

Frock Issue number five steps into the dangerous area of transgender activism. Film producer, Israel Luna defends his movie, "Ticked Off Trannies With Knives" while radical trans people are telling us to boycott it. On a lighter note, we bring you a Frock guide to hosiery, a look at crossdressing in Vietnam and part two of the story of that 1980's TG band, Rubbermaid. In our photo feature, Sydney Starlett has a shoot at The Fourth Space in the UK and you'll be on the floor with our 100 best dumb blonde jokes (hey, I'm a blonde). There's horoscopes and personal ads and even more stories and heaps more.
Per saperne di più leggere di meno
Frock is the world's fastest growing quality bi-monthly transgender and drag magazine.

Voted 'Best Niche Magazine' in both 2013 and 2014, and 'Best Digital Magazine 2015', Frock is inspiring, entertaining and informative to transgender and drag people and their supporters all over the world.

Frock is a trusted source of information and entertainment, encouraging readers with innovative features that reflect on the changing face of transgender culture and lifestyle with an international readership.

Packed with interesting features, interviews and stories created especially for you, Frock also connects you to the wider community with mainstream content written from a trans-perspective. Oh, and Frock is fun too!

Published by The Gender Society, the most interactive transgender social network on the web, with more than a 15 years of experience in the trans community, there’s no better place to get connected.

Whether you want to buy the occasional single issue or you want to take advantage of all the benefits of subscribing to Frock, we warmly welcome you; Frock – your gateway into the world of transgender and drag.

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Basato su 11 Recensioni dei clienti
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Good cross-dressing magazine

Many features an article which are particularly interesting to the trans community and others Recensito 13 settembre 2017

I love this

Lovely ladies Recensito 26 settembre 2015

Drag Race fans will love this

Frock achieves an interesting mix of drag and transgender which might otherwise never meet in the same publication. Although some purists might have a problem with that, I can see why they've done it. Perhaps there are not enough of us around to sustain a magazine of this calibre for very long. Catering for both groups widens the readership out and makes it sustainable. That said, this is a quality magazine with fantastic photography. Recensito 19 agosto 2015

The Transgender Vogue

Trans mags come and go. I've seen em all but this one has been around for years and is consistently good. It's got my vote. Recensito 06 giugno 2015

This is a class publication

It's so good to find a really professional magazine for our community with great articles and really good photography. My only two gripes are that a) there's no printed version and b) this should be monthly. I have trouble waiting for two months between issues so come on Frock, go monthly. Recensito 18 aprile 2015

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