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Gamer Interactive Magazine GAMER Interactive 011 Edizione posteriore

6 Recensioni   •  English   •   Tech & Gaming (Gaming)
Things are hotting up for the summer, and headlining the all-new and TOTALLY FREE issue of GAMER Interactive, we've got a suitably epic hands-on feature detailing Bungie's sci-fi odyssey, Destiny.

We also playtest the likes of Sunset Overdrive and Forza Horizon 2, go in-depth with The Division, try out Oculus Rift to see if virtual reality really is the future of gaming, and also bring you the latest on the likes of Alien: Isolation, Battleborn, PES 2015, Project CARS and Escape Dead Island.

For all this and much, much, more, download your FREE issue today!
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Gamer Interactive

GAMER Interactive 011 Things are hotting up for the summer, and headlining the all-new and TOTALLY FREE issue of GAMER Interactive, we've got a suitably epic hands-on feature detailing Bungie's sci-fi odyssey, Destiny. We also playtest the likes of Sunset Overdrive and Forza Horizon 2, go in-depth with The Division, try out Oculus Rift to see if virtual reality really is the future of gaming, and also bring you the latest on the likes of Alien: Isolation, Battleborn, PES 2015, Project CARS and Escape Dead Island. For all this and much, much, more, download your FREE issue today!

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Issue Cover

Gamer Interactive  |  GAMER Interactive 011  

Things are hotting up for the summer, and headlining the all-new and TOTALLY FREE issue of GAMER Interactive, we've got a suitably epic hands-on feature detailing Bungie's sci-fi odyssey, Destiny.

We also playtest the likes of Sunset Overdrive and Forza Horizon 2, go in-depth with The Division, try out Oculus Rift to see if virtual reality really is the future of gaming, and also bring you the latest on the likes of Alien: Isolation, Battleborn, PES 2015, Project CARS and Escape Dead Island.

For all this and much, much, more, download your FREE issue today!
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Basato su 6 Recensioni dei clienti
Visualizza le recensioni

Good Free Gamers Mag

Good Free Gamers Mag covers next generation games coverage across all formats Recensito 12 agosto 2020

Best in class

Always a good read Recensito 23 luglio 2019

Best Xbox Mag

This has got to be the best Xbox One mag ever. Fully interactive and cant believe the price!! Recensito 20 marzo 2014

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