Grand Designs Australia  |  Sandcastles
This book, based on the TV series Sandcastles, explores how brave owners combine with imaginative architects and inventive builders to keep that dream of living in a sandcastle alive. These remarkable homes are all inspired by the coast. Within these pages we are attempting to look into the magic of great architecture, which is never easily described. It’s often the coming together of likeminded adventurous dreamers who spur each other on to do things beyond what anyone thought possible. All these houses featured sit on that most powerful edge — between land and sea — where the forces of nature are so extreme that every decision taken has to be weighed against Mother Nature.
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Riceverete 6 edizioni durante un periodo di 1 anno Grand Designs Australia abbonamento alla rivista.
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Articoli in questo numero
Di seguito una selezione di articoli in Grand Designs Australia Sandcastles.