It was the summer of 2017 when I really started to research and read about going vegan. I’d just finished my first year of uni and had been watching a lot of YouTubers and people on Instagram talking about making the transition. Soon, I’d watched Cowspiracy on Netflix and decided I had ethical qualms about eating meat and animal-derived products. So when I got back to university in September, at the beginning of my second year, I decided to go vegan for good. I wasn’t conscious of it at the time, but it was all part of a restrictive cycle I’d already got into with food.
‘I’d been diagnosed with anorexia in 2016, after losing over three stone (18kg) in six months. During that time, I’d tried a lot of diets like paleo and no refined sugar as a way to narrow down what I was eating. My idea to go vegan first came up during my recovery, but when I suggested it to my dietitian, she said, “No, absolutely not.” She explained it wouldn’t work for me and that lots of people with eating disorders try to adopt veganism in the recovery process. So, when I told my mum that I’d made the decision to do it anyway, she was incredibly sceptical.
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