Heritage Railway  |  247
VISITENGLAND–asthenational touristboard is
finestcollectionofautumngalasonour heritage
linesthat I canremember, inall shapesandsizes.
Fiftyyears sincetheendof BritishRailwaysmain line
steam, thepublicappetitefor railway heritageshowsno
signofabating, andsoaring attendancefigures at these
galas reflectsthat.
WeBrits arespoiled forchoice.Thelastweekend in
Septemberalonesawfourmagnificentevents: thefirst
double-headingofnew-build replicas Lyn andLewat
at theWestSomersetRailway, the
MiddletonRailway’s local heritageinspiredLastCoals
to Leeds event
andTyseley LocomotiveWorks’
50thanniversaryof its firstopenday.
Iattendedthe latterandwascertainly
not disappointed, largelydueto the
sheer varietyof exhibitsondisplay, but
howIwouldhave lovedtohave visited
at leastoneof the othereventsthat
countlessmagnificentpictures from
autumngalas across the country.
Althoughwehaveincreased our
sizeto116 pages for this special edition,wewould
haveneededupwardsof200 pages to evenbegin to
accommodate the rest of the best.HereImust thank
andGarethandI founditanawesomeanddaunting task
to narrowthemdowntoafinal selection!Theoneswe
hadtoleave outwerenotbadpictures byanystretchof
theimagination, I can assure you.
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