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Women's Interest

Hunter Valley Wedding Planner Magazine

2 numeri all'anno   |  English
0 Recensioni   •  English   •   Women's Interest (Weddings & Brides)
The most comprehensive WEDDING DIRECTORY for the NSW Hunter Region. Plan every step of your wedding from the Engagement to the Honeymoon. Set out in a useful category format so that everything is at your fingertips. Get your issue now!
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Hunter Valley Wedding Planner

Edition 20 We can hardly believe it! Here at Hunter Valley Wedding Planner Magazine headquarters we are celebrating a huge milestone… we’ve made it to Edition 20 – that’s 10 great years as the Hunter Region’s number 1 wedding directory! Inside this edition we’ve put together 3 very different styled themes for your inspiration, bringing together cakes, flowers, stationery and table set-ups into 3 ‘styled stories’ to spark your imagination. Check out ‘Natural Ethereal’ p61, ‘Eclectic Blue’ p121 and ‘Precious Metal’ p155. All of our themed stories and our gorgeous fashion spreads (see p82) were photographed by the talented Teresa from Muse Photography (see p100) in one of Newcastle’s most exciting and flexible wedding venues, 48 Watt Street (see p45). You are offered an array of gorgeous backdrops and event spaces in this unique old church and hall in the perfect inner city Newcastle location. Take your time to browse through ‘The Real Thing’ section (see p164) and see how other couples have brought together their big day in the Hunter, we’ve got no less than 9 weddings to inspire and delight!

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Issue Cover

Hunter Valley Wedding Planner  |  Edition 20  

We can hardly believe it! Here at Hunter Valley Wedding Planner Magazine headquarters we are celebrating a huge milestone… we’ve made it to Edition 20 – that’s 10 great years as the Hunter Region’s number 1 wedding directory!
Inside this edition we’ve put together 3 very different styled themes for your inspiration, bringing together cakes, flowers, stationery and table set-ups into 3 ‘styled stories’ to spark your imagination. Check out ‘Natural Ethereal’ p61, ‘Eclectic Blue’ p121 and ‘Precious Metal’ p155. All of our themed stories and our gorgeous fashion spreads (see p82) were photographed by the talented Teresa from Muse Photography (see p100) in one of Newcastle’s most exciting and flexible wedding venues, 48 Watt Street (see p45). You are offered an array of gorgeous backdrops and event spaces in this unique old church and hall in the perfect inner city Newcastle location.
Take your time to browse through ‘The Real Thing’ section (see p164) and see how other couples have brought together their big day in the Hunter, we’ve got no less than 9 weddings to inspire and delight!
Per saperne di più leggere di meno
The most comprehensive WEDDING DIRECTORY for the NSW Hunter Region. Plan every step of your wedding from the Engagement to the Honeymoon. Set out in a useful category format so that everything is at your fingertips. Get your issue now!

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Basato su 0 Recensioni dei clienti
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