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Knives Illustrated Magazine May/Jun 22 Edizione posteriore

32 Recensioni   •  English   •   Leisure Interest (Outdoors)
Leading off the May/June issue of Knives Illustrated is a 5-article special section on tactical tools. The machete has always been known as an economical, easily-acquired tool with well-rounded usefulness in camp and on the trail. In the special section, martial arts expert Patrick Vuong gets into the swing with an article on the pros and cons of using a machete for defense. This time around our tactical tools section takes a close look at daggers, with Tim Stetzer’s review of the Spartan-Harsey dagger and Jim Cobb’s retrospective on two legendary Gerber models: the Mark 1 and Mark II. Fixed blades seem to be the sensation, as Cobb also provides a close look at three new SOG models. Looking for a tactical folder? Les Adams makes a couple of dandies. One’s a manual flipper and the other’s an automatic. Both are sturdy, lightweight and designed for professionals. Elsewhere in the issue, our editor reviews two American-made fixed blade camp and trail knives from Flexcut Tool Company: the traditional, wood-handled Seeker and the rugged Nomad. If you are in the market for a great everyday carry knife, take a look at our review of the GiantMouse ACE Nimbus V2. Regular contributor and bushcraft expert Reuben Bolieu shows how he recently put the affordable SOL Stoke Tools to work to accomplish several camp chores. Rounding out the issue is a peek at some new products from several makers, including Spyderco, Condor Tool & Knife, Case, White River Knives, Benchmade, Buck, and more.
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Knives Illustrated

May/Jun 22 Leading off the May/June issue of Knives Illustrated is a 5-article special section on tactical tools. The machete has always been known as an economical, easily-acquired tool with well-rounded usefulness in camp and on the trail. In the special section, martial arts expert Patrick Vuong gets into the swing with an article on the pros and cons of using a machete for defense. This time around our tactical tools section takes a close look at daggers, with Tim Stetzer’s review of the Spartan-Harsey dagger and Jim Cobb’s retrospective on two legendary Gerber models: the Mark 1 and Mark II. Fixed blades seem to be the sensation, as Cobb also provides a close look at three new SOG models. Looking for a tactical folder? Les Adams makes a couple of dandies. One’s a manual flipper and the other’s an automatic. Both are sturdy, lightweight and designed for professionals. Elsewhere in the issue, our editor reviews two American-made fixed blade camp and trail knives from Flexcut Tool Company: the traditional, wood-handled Seeker and the rugged Nomad. If you are in the market for a great everyday carry knife, take a look at our review of the GiantMouse ACE Nimbus V2. Regular contributor and bushcraft expert Reuben Bolieu shows how he recently put the affordable SOL Stoke Tools to work to accomplish several camp chores. Rounding out the issue is a peek at some new products from several makers, including Spyderco, Condor Tool & Knife, Case, White River Knives, Benchmade, Buck, and more.

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Issue Cover

Knives Illustrated  |  May/Jun 22  

Leading off the May/June issue of Knives Illustrated is a 5-article special section on tactical tools. The machete has always been known as an economical, easily-acquired tool with well-rounded usefulness in camp and on the trail. In the special section, martial arts expert Patrick Vuong gets into the swing with an article on the pros and cons of using a machete for defense. This time around our tactical tools section takes a close look at daggers, with Tim Stetzer’s review of the Spartan-Harsey dagger and Jim Cobb’s retrospective on two legendary Gerber models: the Mark 1 and Mark II. Fixed blades seem to be the sensation, as Cobb also provides a close look at three new SOG models. Looking for a tactical folder? Les Adams makes a couple of dandies. One’s a manual flipper and the other’s an automatic. Both are sturdy, lightweight and designed for professionals. Elsewhere in the issue, our editor reviews two American-made fixed blade camp and trail knives from Flexcut Tool Company: the traditional, wood-handled Seeker and the rugged Nomad. If you are in the market for a great everyday carry knife, take a look at our review of the GiantMouse ACE Nimbus V2. Regular contributor and bushcraft expert Reuben Bolieu shows how he recently put the affordable SOL Stoke Tools to work to accomplish several camp chores. Rounding out the issue is a peek at some new products from several makers, including Spyderco, Condor Tool & Knife, Case, White River Knives, Benchmade, Buck, and more.
Per saperne di più leggere di meno
Knives Illustrated is a one-of-a-kind magazine for everything from the world of knives. From tactical knives to pocket and outdoor knives and blades, it covers all the essential areas of interest for hunting and camping enthusiasts, the military and law enforcement. Packed with safety tips, survival strategies, and the hottest weapons information from knife manufacturers and dealers, readers get all they need to know to stay sharp. The Knives Illustrated app delivers all this exciting content in a convenient digital magazine subscription.

Whether it’s survivalists, hunters, campers, law enforcement or the military, knife enthusiasts understand the importance of being prepared so they can do their job or hobby more efficiently.

Which is why readers rely on Knives Illustrated.

It features special themes on tactical, survival, camping and more—enthusiasts read about the newest knives to hit the market, the best ways to maintain their knives, the latest knifemakers to enter the industry, the results of the rigorous tests and evaluations our experts conduct on the knives, and more.

But that’s not all. New gear and accessories are showcased in each and every issue. Readers rely on Knives Illustrated... because they want to be prepared and on the cutting edge of knife news.

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Basato su 32 Recensioni dei clienti
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