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Majesty Magazine November 2023 Edizione posteriore

116 Recensioni   •  English   •   General Interest (History & Knowledge)
Only €5,99
In our November issue:

FRIENDS & NEIGHBOURS: The King and Queen in Paris and Bordeaux during their hugely successful state visit to France, by Victoria Murphy

SWEET & INCOMPARABLE JOSÉPHINE: The Empress of the French’s descendants now occupy royal thrones all over Europe, as Trond Norén Isaksen explains

MANY HAPPY RETURNS: Charles III will be 75 this month, says Ingrid Seward, but despite his advancing years there’s no stopping him

PROJECTS & PRIZES: The Prince of Wales pays a whistlestop visit to New York for an Earthshot summit and a dip in the East River

GOLDEN MOMENT: The 50th anniversary of King Carl XVI Gustaf of Sweden’s accession is celebrated with panache and fine jewels

ALL IN A DAY’S WORK: The tireless Princess Royal spends an enjoyable day in Oxfordshire in trains, a car, a boat and a helicopter too

ROYALTY & THE THEATRE: The intriguing links between the monarchy and the acting profession are many and varied, as Paul Ibell discovered

WILFUL NED: Prince Edward of the Palatinate, whose wedding and change of religion caused diplomatic mayhem, by Sean Ward

And much more besides!
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Majesty Magazine

November 2023 In our November issue: FRIENDS & NEIGHBOURS: The King and Queen in Paris and Bordeaux during their hugely successful state visit to France, by Victoria Murphy SWEET & INCOMPARABLE JOSÉPHINE: The Empress of the French’s descendants now occupy royal thrones all over Europe, as Trond Norén Isaksen explains MANY HAPPY RETURNS: Charles III will be 75 this month, says Ingrid Seward, but despite his advancing years there’s no stopping him PROJECTS & PRIZES: The Prince of Wales pays a whistlestop visit to New York for an Earthshot summit and a dip in the East River GOLDEN MOMENT: The 50th anniversary of King Carl XVI Gustaf of Sweden’s accession is celebrated with panache and fine jewels ALL IN A DAY’S WORK: The tireless Princess Royal spends an enjoyable day in Oxfordshire in trains, a car, a boat and a helicopter too ROYALTY & THE THEATRE: The intriguing links between the monarchy and the acting profession are many and varied, as Paul Ibell discovered WILFUL NED: Prince Edward of the Palatinate, whose wedding and change of religion caused diplomatic mayhem, by Sean Ward And much more besides!

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Issue Cover

Majesty Magazine  |  November 2023  

In our November issue:

FRIENDS & NEIGHBOURS: The King and Queen in Paris and Bordeaux during their hugely successful state visit to France, by Victoria Murphy

SWEET & INCOMPARABLE JOSÉPHINE: The Empress of the French’s descendants now occupy royal thrones all over Europe, as Trond Norén Isaksen explains

MANY HAPPY RETURNS: Charles III will be 75 this month, says Ingrid Seward, but despite his advancing years there’s no stopping him

PROJECTS & PRIZES: The Prince of Wales pays a whistlestop visit to New York for an Earthshot summit and a dip in the East River

GOLDEN MOMENT: The 50th anniversary of King Carl XVI Gustaf of Sweden’s accession is celebrated with panache and fine jewels

ALL IN A DAY’S WORK: The tireless Princess Royal spends an enjoyable day in Oxfordshire in trains, a car, a boat and a helicopter too

ROYALTY & THE THEATRE: The intriguing links between the monarchy and the acting profession are many and varied, as Paul Ibell discovered

WILFUL NED: Prince Edward of the Palatinate, whose wedding and change of religion caused diplomatic mayhem, by Sean Ward

And much more besides!
Per saperne di più leggere di meno
For 40 years Majesty magazine has been bringing its readers all they need to know about the royal families of the world. Each issue contains knowledgeable features and beautiful photographs, with news and views on the personalities, lifestyles, fashions and homes of royals past and present.

From the births of princes and princesses to the fairy-tale royal weddings and jubilee celebrations, Majesty provides the full story. Intimate interviews with royalty and those who know them well offer a unique insight into their far-from-ordinary lives.

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Basato su 116 Recensioni dei clienti
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Great photography

Essential magazine for all of those who are a fan of the royal family Recensito 12 aprile 2022

Majesty Magazine

KI love Majesty Magazine, and I look eagerly forward to each issue. Then I read it cover to cover. Not only do I enjoy currant updates of the Royal family, but also the articles of members and events that are part of the Royals of Europe , and the connections to current members/ I had always wished I could have a long chat with Prince Phillips about his historic life. RIP Sir, I will miss reading about you. Recensito 20 maggio 2021

Majesty Magazine

cI love Majesty Magazine. I have been reading it for over 20 years now. Recensito 05 ottobre 2020

Majesty Magazine

I've read Majesty for many years and have always appreciated it's high standards of reporting and production. Recensito 14 settembre 2020

If you love the Royals you will love Majesty

If you love the Royals you will love Majesty, I read this mag and I admin the British Monarchist League website. Recensito 26 ottobre 2018

Articoli in questo numero

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Majesty Magazine February 2024 February 2024 Acquista per €5,99 Vista | Al carrello
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