Majesty Magazine  |  September 2023
In our September 2023 issue:
FIRST ANNIVERSARY: A year has passed since the death of Queen Elizabeth II but her remarkable legacy remains with us, says Ingrid Seward
EVERYTHING ALL AT ONCE: The change of reign in Sweden 50 years ago coincided with other seismic events, as Trond Norén Isaksen explains
CHARLES III – THE KING’S FIRST YEAR: Our new monarch’s life has changed immeasurably in the past 12 months, as he knew it would, Joe Little notes
ELIZABETH STUART: The short but unhappy life of King Charles I’s frail daughter, a kind soul despite her many troubles, by Coryne Hall
THE WALESES: William and Catherine’s status is different now, but their family situation is relatively the same, according to Victoria Murphy
HAPPY & GLORIOUS: A decade-by-decade pictorial tribute to the late Queen, whose ‘wonderful blue eyes’ and smile are unforgettable
PARTY HOUSE TO KING’S RETREAT: The Castle of Mey, recently visited by His Majesty, was regarded by the Queen Mother as a place to entertain and relax
ROYALS AT RISK: Security is paramount, but it was not always as effective as it should have been, as Jane Dismore discovered
QUEEN IN NAME ONLY: Anne of Romania had been married for more than four decades before she could visit her husband’s birthplace
And much more besides!
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Articoli in questo numero
Di seguito una selezione di articoli in Majesty Magazine September 2023.