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Mindscape Magazine Issue 6 Edizione posteriore

1 Recensioni   •  English   •   General Interest (History & Knowledge)
Features in Issue 6 Include:

Totalitarianism and Thought Control - How the masses have been manipulated throughout history.

Shhhh - Questioning the notions of society, control and democracy.

Little Voices in My Head - Where do they originate, and what is their history?

Forbidden Science - Science is now revered as the ultimate knowledge, but is it?

It's the Prohibition Stupid - The facts about hemp and cannabis; exposing official ignorance.

Sea of Consciousness - What is consciousness and can we ever fully understand it?

Spear and the Grail - The Holy Grail and the Spear of Destiny: In pursuit of answers.

Ormus – Tracing the alchemical and historical roots of Ormus.

Allergic to Modern Living - Combating modern ailments with vibrational healing.

Esoteric Symbolism - Exploring the concept of esoteric symbolism as portrayed and hidden in mainstream media.

And many more, expand your Mindscape today!
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Mindscape Magazine

Issue 6 Features in Issue 6 Include: Totalitarianism and Thought Control - How the masses have been manipulated throughout history. Shhhh - Questioning the notions of society, control and democracy. Little Voices in My Head - Where do they originate, and what is their history? Forbidden Science - Science is now revered as the ultimate knowledge, but is it? It's the Prohibition Stupid - The facts about hemp and cannabis; exposing official ignorance. Sea of Consciousness - What is consciousness and can we ever fully understand it? Spear and the Grail - The Holy Grail and the Spear of Destiny: In pursuit of answers. Ormus – Tracing the alchemical and historical roots of Ormus. Allergic to Modern Living - Combating modern ailments with vibrational healing. Esoteric Symbolism - Exploring the concept of esoteric symbolism as portrayed and hidden in mainstream media. And many more, expand your Mindscape today!

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Issue Cover

Mindscape Magazine  |  Issue 6  

Features in Issue 6 Include:

Totalitarianism and Thought Control - How the masses have been manipulated throughout history.

Shhhh - Questioning the notions of society, control and democracy.

Little Voices in My Head - Where do they originate, and what is their history?

Forbidden Science - Science is now revered as the ultimate knowledge, but is it?

It's the Prohibition Stupid - The facts about hemp and cannabis; exposing official ignorance.

Sea of Consciousness - What is consciousness and can we ever fully understand it?

Spear and the Grail - The Holy Grail and the Spear of Destiny: In pursuit of answers.

Ormus – Tracing the alchemical and historical roots of Ormus.

Allergic to Modern Living - Combating modern ailments with vibrational healing.

Esoteric Symbolism - Exploring the concept of esoteric symbolism as portrayed and hidden in mainstream media.

And many more, expand your Mindscape today!
Per saperne di più leggere di meno
Mindscape Magazine penetrates beyond the mainstream, delving into an eclectic array of topics for people seeking alternative information and views on alternative science and technology - an area which is day by day, expanding voluminously… as well as history, health and wellbeing, to alternate health modalities, some new and some just resurfacing into our awareness today, such as bioacoustics and sound healing therapies, showing a much deeper appreciation and awareness of our web of interconnectedness and the possibilities available to us collectively as well as individually.

We delight in exploring consciousness on all levels and perspectives available to us, exploring topics and views on the holographic nature of reality, as well as spirituality, shamanism, alchemy and the alchemical aspects that can lead us into a deeper level of understanding of life and death, and what this really means for us all, as well as exploring the esoteric and true nature of reality.

We offer you - the reader - access into discovering a vast profundity of knowledge and the possibility of a deepening understanding into ancient cultures and civilisations, revealing ancient technologies from times gone past and forging ahead into the future and much, much more.

We seek to uncover new depths in current understandings, bringing a new life - a breath of fresh air into our collective minds, thoughts and hearts in all areas. Do you dare to venture and explore deeper still into the landscape of the mind with us - with fresh, innovative and vibrant ideas?

We are also very pleased to introduce and celebrate the Tesla Society UK’s association with Mindscape Magazine, bringing our readers and viewers even more in-depth information to a wider audience, where we aim to inspire your hearts and minds, just as the genius of Nikola Tesla and other inventors have.

Get ready to explore with us the kaleidoscopic views and new heights that are unfolding out in front of us - today!

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Basato su 1 Recensioni dei clienti
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Just what i was looking for Recensito 24 novembre 2012

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