Mindscape Magazine  |  Issue 3
Without our unique human consciousness, you and I would be sitting in a tree eating bananas.
The ability to think beyond the next banana is a gift. We’re all guilty of taking this gift for granted. The moments of sheer awe and elation we experience when we make this discovery or connection between elements of the mystery, balances out the less pleasant elements of consciousness.
One person who never stops making connections is Anthony Peake. An author and explorer in the largest, least discovered realm in the known universe: Peake’s work on Near Death Experiences and immortal consciousness make fascinating and provocative reading.
Mindscape has evolved and changed already, and now at issue 3 we are starting to find our feet and our voice. This is a truly independent magazine, a rare commodity these days, and a truly exciting prospect. Mindscape. There’s a whole universe in there.
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Articoli in questo numero
Di seguito una selezione di articoli in Mindscape Magazine Issue 3.