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National Rifle Association Journal Magazine NRA Journal Spring 2014 Edizione speciale

0 Recensioni   •  English   •   Sport (Shooting & Archery)
Welcome to the Spring issue of the NRA Journal! In this edition, we focus on the Multi-Gun Match which took place at a muddy Bisley range in February. We also report from winter Long Range Rimfire events, while Adam Leech beat off the competition to claim the NRA 100 crown. Of course we have all the results, including the latest standings from the CSR Winter League, on page 49.

Elsewhere there’s two gun tests for the price of one this month as we review the 19th century Dreyse M/41 needle-gun and the Model LRPV from Savage Arms, chief executive Andrew Mercer review a wet and wild winter, and Liz Woodall introduces the Disabled Shooting Project.

We have the ultimate guide to shooting disciplines, we explain why the NRA has such a close link with the creator of Sherlock Holmes, and we introduce the London and Middlesex Rifle Club plus news on two rifle clubs that have joined forces to create a 25-metre rifle range...under London Bridge!
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National Rifle Association Journal

NRA Journal Spring 2014 Welcome to the Spring issue of the NRA Journal! In this edition, we focus on the Multi-Gun Match which took place at a muddy Bisley range in February. We also report from winter Long Range Rimfire events, while Adam Leech beat off the competition to claim the NRA 100 crown. Of course we have all the results, including the latest standings from the CSR Winter League, on page 49. Elsewhere there’s two gun tests for the price of one this month as we review the 19th century Dreyse M/41 needle-gun and the Model LRPV from Savage Arms, chief executive Andrew Mercer review a wet and wild winter, and Liz Woodall introduces the Disabled Shooting Project. We have the ultimate guide to shooting disciplines, we explain why the NRA has such a close link with the creator of Sherlock Holmes, and we introduce the London and Middlesex Rifle Club plus news on two rifle clubs that have joined forces to create a 25-metre rifle range...under London Bridge!

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National Rifle Association Journal  |  NRA Journal Spring 2014  

Welcome to the Spring issue of the NRA Journal! In this edition, we focus on the Multi-Gun Match which took place at a muddy Bisley range in February. We also report from winter Long Range Rimfire events, while Adam Leech beat off the competition to claim the NRA 100 crown. Of course we have all the results, including the latest standings from the CSR Winter League, on page 49.

Elsewhere there’s two gun tests for the price of one this month as we review the 19th century Dreyse M/41 needle-gun and the Model LRPV from Savage Arms, chief executive Andrew Mercer review a wet and wild winter, and Liz Woodall introduces the Disabled Shooting Project.

We have the ultimate guide to shooting disciplines, we explain why the NRA has such a close link with the creator of Sherlock Holmes, and we introduce the London and Middlesex Rifle Club plus news on two rifle clubs that have joined forces to create a 25-metre rifle range...under London Bridge!
Per saperne di più leggere di meno
Journal of The National Rifle Association of Great Britain. The Journal covers all the events from the competition season, from the Trafalgar and the Ages Match through to F Class and the Civilian Service Rifle winter league. On top of that it also includes a dedicated results service.
All this on top of association and members news, international event reviews, and technical and how-to articles.

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