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New Stitches Magazine Issue 220 Edizione posteriore

5 Recensioni   •  English   •   Hobbies & Crafts (Sewing & Knitting)
There is a wonderful selection of designs in this issue of New Stitches. On the cover you cannot miss Daisy, the African Grey parrot. With her beady eye and rich plumage she looks as if she could fly off the page. The Masterclass explores the technique of darning, not socks, but a decorative version that was popular in Dutch samplers. Lover of Hardanger will not be able to resist our collection of bands. The intricate effect of the Hardanger can be repeated as required to create edgings and appliqués. We end our series of stitchers’ accessories with a set worked in a single shade of thread. If there is a summer celebrations coming up, then one of our cheerful geranium cards will certainly fit the bill. Look out too for the second half of our fabulous traditional-style sampler.
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New Stitches

Issue 220 There is a wonderful selection of designs in this issue of New Stitches. On the cover you cannot miss Daisy, the African Grey parrot. With her beady eye and rich plumage she looks as if she could fly off the page. The Masterclass explores the technique of darning, not socks, but a decorative version that was popular in Dutch samplers. Lover of Hardanger will not be able to resist our collection of bands. The intricate effect of the Hardanger can be repeated as required to create edgings and appliqués. We end our series of stitchers’ accessories with a set worked in a single shade of thread. If there is a summer celebrations coming up, then one of our cheerful geranium cards will certainly fit the bill. Look out too for the second half of our fabulous traditional-style sampler.

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Issue Cover

New Stitches  |  Issue 220  

There is a wonderful selection of designs in this issue of New Stitches. On the cover you cannot miss Daisy, the African Grey parrot. With her beady eye and rich plumage she looks as if she could fly off the page. The Masterclass explores the technique of darning, not socks, but a decorative version that was popular in Dutch samplers. Lover of Hardanger will not be able to resist our collection of bands. The intricate effect of the Hardanger can be repeated as required to create edgings and appliqués. We end our series of stitchers’ accessories with a set worked in a single shade of thread. If there is a summer celebrations coming up, then one of our cheerful geranium cards will certainly fit the bill. Look out too for the second half of our fabulous traditional-style sampler.
Per saperne di più leggere di meno
Mary Hickmott’s New Stitches is the premier needlework magazine for people passionate about stitching. It’s packed with irresistible Cross stitch as well as other favourites such as Hardanger and Blackwork. Mary’s designs are much-loved by stitchers in the UK and around the world. If you appreciate high quality cross stitch inspired by nature, wildlife, architecture and more you will find each issue inspirational. Every issue includes an in-depth Masterclass from Mary which explores an embroidery technique or theme in depth. All the projects in New Stitches are clearly explained step by step with concise instructions and charts. There are no fractional stitches, or unnecessary back stitch, making each cross stitch design a pleasure to stitch.
New Stitches brings you a range of projects to look forward to each month, from epic masterpieces down to bitesize morsels, all packed with detail and stitching interest to keep your fingers busy.

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Basato su 5 Recensioni dei clienti
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New Stitches was a lovely embroidery magazine with a wide range of techniques. The instructions were always clear and easy to understand and I liked how methods or styles were played with you show you examples. Sadly the magazine is no longer published and you can tell it was struggling in the final few issues (no stitched models, just computer generated ones, urgh!).

I'd highly recommend it for anyone who wants to play around with embroidery techniques.
Recensito 05 novembre 2015

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