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Operation Goddess by Claire Anstey Magazine February Edizione posteriore

2 Recensioni   •  English   •   Women's Interest (Lifestyle & Fashion)
Welcome to February my beautiful modern sirens.

As you may have noticed affirmations magazine is transforming itself into my new brand "operation goddess by claire anstey"

You now get two fabulous magazines in one. February sees us merge these 2 fabulous products together.

Each edition is now a mind body & spirit magazine and your monthly life coaching & "Goddess Effect" transformation plan.

I've been listening to your feedback, your needs and I have created this new brand and magazine just for you.

I want you to get your POW on! You are a Powerful Original Woman. Let me teach you how to understand yourself more than ever and create the goddess effect in your life.

Feel good, look good and know who you are.

Each magazine from this month is now full of my work. I heard your demands and I am honoured to share with you my teachings, motivation and personal truths.

Read my articles for wisdom and realisations, keep motivated by my pep talks and affirmations. And create your own personal breakthroughs with each months programme and exercises.

There is huge value in your investment and it is my pleasure to offer such an accessible teaching platform for beautiful women all over the world.

Because you are beautiful, you may not feel it yet but that is why you are here and together we will do the work so that you can create the changes that will change your life as it is right now.

Much love and fabulousness


Please note that Operation Goddess Magazine stopped in 2015
You may find that some links or videos may no longer work. Thank you for your understandng on this and may you enjoy this free edition and all the fabulous content you do receive as a gift from Claire Anstey

To keep up to date with Claire Anstey’s
latest projects please go to &
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Operation Goddess by Claire Anstey Preview Pages Operation Goddess by Claire Anstey Preview Pages Operation Goddess by Claire Anstey Preview Pages Operation Goddess by Claire Anstey Preview Pages Operation Goddess by Claire Anstey Preview Pages Operation Goddess by Claire Anstey Preview Pages

Operation Goddess by Claire Anstey

February Welcome to February my beautiful modern sirens. As you may have noticed affirmations magazine is transforming itself into my new brand "operation goddess by claire anstey" You now get two fabulous magazines in one. February sees us merge these 2 fabulous products together. Each edition is now a mind body & spirit magazine and your monthly life coaching & "Goddess Effect" transformation plan. I've been listening to your feedback, your needs and I have created this new brand and magazine just for you. I want you to get your POW on! You are a Powerful Original Woman. Let me teach you how to understand yourself more than ever and create the goddess effect in your life. Feel good, look good and know who you are. Each magazine from this month is now full of my work. I heard your demands and I am honoured to share with you my teachings, motivation and personal truths. Read my articles for wisdom and realisations, keep motivated by my pep talks and affirmations. And create your own personal breakthroughs with each months programme and exercises. There is huge value in your investment and it is my pleasure to offer such an accessible teaching platform for beautiful women all over the world. Because you are beautiful, you may not feel it yet but that is why you are here and together we will do the work so that you can create the changes that will change your life as it is right now. Much love and fabulousness Anstey Please note that Operation Goddess Magazine stopped in 2015 You may find that some links or videos may no longer work. Thank you for your understandng on this and may you enjoy this free edition and all the fabulous content you do receive as a gift from Claire Anstey To keep up to date with Claire Anstey’s latest projects please go to &

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Singolo numero arretrato digitale February
Questo numero e gli altri numeri arretrati non sono inclusi in un Operation Goddess by Claire Anstey abbonamento. Gli abbonamenti includono l'ultimo numero regolare e i nuovi numeri usciti durante l'abbonamento e partono da un prezzo minimo di
Purtroppo questa testata non pubblica più nuovi numeri. È ancora possibile acquistare i numeri arretrati, oppure scorrere verso il basso per visualizzare altri titoli che potrebbero interessarvi.
I risparmi sono calcolati sull'acquisto comparabile di singoli numeri su un periodo di abbonamento annualizzato e possono variare rispetto agli importi pubblicizzati. I calcoli sono solo a scopo illustrativo. Gli abbonamenti digitali includono l'ultimo numero e tutti i numeri regolari pubblicati durante l'abbonamento, se non diversamente indicato. L'abbonamento scelto si rinnoverà automaticamente a meno che non venga annullato nell'area Il mio account fino a 24 ore prima della scadenza dell'abbonamento in corso.

Issue Cover

Operation Goddess by Claire Anstey  |  February  

Welcome to February my beautiful modern sirens.

As you may have noticed affirmations magazine is transforming itself into my new brand "operation goddess by claire anstey"

You now get two fabulous magazines in one. February sees us merge these 2 fabulous products together.

Each edition is now a mind body & spirit magazine and your monthly life coaching & "Goddess Effect" transformation plan.

I've been listening to your feedback, your needs and I have created this new brand and magazine just for you.

I want you to get your POW on! You are a Powerful Original Woman. Let me teach you how to understand yourself more than ever and create the goddess effect in your life.

Feel good, look good and know who you are.

Each magazine from this month is now full of my work. I heard your demands and I am honoured to share with you my teachings, motivation and personal truths.

Read my articles for wisdom and realisations, keep motivated by my pep talks and affirmations. And create your own personal breakthroughs with each months programme and exercises.

There is huge value in your investment and it is my pleasure to offer such an accessible teaching platform for beautiful women all over the world.

Because you are beautiful, you may not feel it yet but that is why you are here and together we will do the work so that you can create the changes that will change your life as it is right now.

Much love and fabulousness


Please note that Operation Goddess Magazine stopped in 2015
You may find that some links or videos may no longer work. Thank you for your understandng on this and may you enjoy this free edition and all the fabulous content you do receive as a gift from Claire Anstey

To keep up to date with Claire Anstey’s
latest projects please go to &
Per saperne di più leggere di meno
Operation Goddess is both a positive lifestyle magazine & a personal coaching plan from Claire Anstey.

It reminds you how to love your body
, know your mind
 and connect to your soul.

Each month includes lifestyle articles, expert interviews, spiritual wisdom PLUS your downloadable coaching plan and worksheets.

Would you like to become a more self-loving confident woman? Do you need to reconnect with your strength and understand how to love your vulnerability?

You are a POWERFUL ORIGINAL WOMAN. You are like no other but this can lead you to feeling different, odd, ugly, unsuccessful, unfulfilled and disconnected from your family, friends, lovers, finances and more.

For a very small investment you will get

Body confidence 


Self worth

Financial freedom & Abundance

A Reconnection with your passions and calling

A deeper understanding of your gifts and talents

Better relationships & love

Confidence, grace and wisdom

Breathtaking beauty
The captivating and magnetic presence you see so often in others

Don't have to be held back by past challenges or pain anymore.

Are you ready to experience MORE of your greatness? 

Are you ready to feel the benefits of “The Goddess Effect” in your life?

Let's achieve it, together!

Please note that Operation Goddess Magazine stopped in 2015
You may find that some links or videos may no longer work. Thank you for your understandng on this and may you enjoy this free edition and all the fabulous content you do receive as a gift from Claire Anstey

To keep up to date with Claire Anstey’s
latest projects please go to &

*Please note that Operation Goddess by Claire Anstey was previously called Affirmations The Magazine. It rebranded in February 2015.

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•  Non perderete mai un numero
•  Siete protetti dagli aumenti di prezzo che potrebbero verificarsi nel corso dell'anno

Riceverete 12 edizioni durante un periodo di 1 anno Operation Goddess by Claire Anstey abbonamento alla rivista.

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Basato su 2 Recensioni dei clienti
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Lifestyle magazine

I loved this magazine whilst it was still running, was sad to see it go Recensito 25 luglio 2019

Great lifestyle magazine

Highly sophisticated Recensito 30 gennaio 2018

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