Things may still be looking pretty tough out there in terms of coronavirus, but with vaccines rolling out around the world we are all hopeful to get back to some kind of normality soon. And when we do we are going to be leaping into 2021 with gusto! If you’re like me, 2020 may have prompted you to take stock of your life and maybe make some changes: if you are tempted by a new career in swimming, Rowan Clarke looks at how to set up a coaching business; we meet Fenwick Ridley, the Geordie adventurer living the open water dream; Pete Kelly extols the simple pleasures of wild camping by a lake; and Keri-anne Payne explains how to use the principles of training from her professional career in your own pool training. If that sounds like a big ask, Helen Davis can help with her simple tool of goals and values to help motivate yourself. We are very excited to interview Kerri ni Dochartaigh – Ella Foote talks to her about her book Thin Places, a mix of memoir, social history of the Troubles and nature writing. And if you’ve ever hankered after being an Action Man (or Woman), Elaine Howley delves into the history of warfare and swimming.
Happy New Year to all our readers around the world – here’s to an exciting and swim-filled 2021!
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