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Paranormal Magazine Issue 61 Edizione posteriore

2 Recensioni   •  English   •   General Interest (History & Knowledge)
In this edition we find part one of ‘The Ruler of The Roost’, a truly terrifying encounter between Mike Hallowell and a treacherous nature spirit called a ‘Boggart’. This malignant entity was inflicting itself on a young family in the south-east of England and it was not going to leave quietly. Dan Green investigates the possibility that all forms of divination may have a fundamental truth at their core, while Alan James looks into the possibility that particle physics might reveal considerably more about the paranormal than might at first appear, something that physicists are only now coming realise.

The ever reliable Mike Oram shares yet another unearthly encounter, this time with ‘The Great Serpent of Upminster’ and we embark of a the first part of a two part tale from Steve Mera involving a Succubus infestation in the unlikely setting of Morecambe. John Pickering shows that spirit photography might be a very genuine phenomenon. Lastly, internationally renowned researchers and authors Lynn Picknett and Clive Prince show that the paranormal cheerfully continues to manifest despite the best efforts and denials of people like Richard Dawkins.

Explore the uncharted realms of the paranormal in Paranormal Magazine. Unveiling the true nature of magick, bridging the gap between legends and technology. Discover the intersection of Quantum Physics and paranormal phenomena, where proof of magick's existence may lie.

Question the reality of life after death and our ability to communicate with the other side. Beyond ghosts and ghouls, delve into the multifaceted enigma of paranormal phenomena, unraveling the very essence of reality itself.

Each issue of Paranormal Magazine showcases these phenomena in action and strives to provide answers. Embark on this transformative journey with us, as it may fulfill your deepest hopes and aspirations.
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Issue 61 In this edition we find part one of ‘The Ruler of The Roost’, a truly terrifying encounter between Mike Hallowell and a treacherous nature spirit called a ‘Boggart’. This malignant entity was inflicting itself on a young family in the south-east of England and it was not going to leave quietly. Dan Green investigates the possibility that all forms of divination may have a fundamental truth at their core, while Alan James looks into the possibility that particle physics might reveal considerably more about the paranormal than might at first appear, something that physicists are only now coming realise. The ever reliable Mike Oram shares yet another unearthly encounter, this time with ‘The Great Serpent of Upminster’ and we embark of a the first part of a two part tale from Steve Mera involving a Succubus infestation in the unlikely setting of Morecambe. John Pickering shows that spirit photography might be a very genuine phenomenon. Lastly, internationally renowned researchers and authors Lynn Picknett and Clive Prince show that the paranormal cheerfully continues to manifest despite the best efforts and denials of people like Richard Dawkins. Explore the uncharted realms of the paranormal in Paranormal Magazine. Unveiling the true nature of magick, bridging the gap between legends and technology. Discover the intersection of Quantum Physics and paranormal phenomena, where proof of magick's existence may lie. Question the reality of life after death and our ability to communicate with the other side. Beyond ghosts and ghouls, delve into the multifaceted enigma of paranormal phenomena, unraveling the very essence of reality itself. Each issue of Paranormal Magazine showcases these phenomena in action and strives to provide answers. Embark on this transformative journey with us, as it may fulfill your deepest hopes and aspirations.

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Issue Cover

Paranormal  |  Issue 61  

In this edition we find part one of ‘The Ruler of The Roost’, a truly terrifying encounter between Mike Hallowell and a treacherous nature spirit called a ‘Boggart’. This malignant entity was inflicting itself on a young family in the south-east of England and it was not going to leave quietly. Dan Green investigates the possibility that all forms of divination may have a fundamental truth at their core, while Alan James looks into the possibility that particle physics might reveal considerably more about the paranormal than might at first appear, something that physicists are only now coming realise.

The ever reliable Mike Oram shares yet another unearthly encounter, this time with ‘The Great Serpent of Upminster’ and we embark of a the first part of a two part tale from Steve Mera involving a Succubus infestation in the unlikely setting of Morecambe. John Pickering shows that spirit photography might be a very genuine phenomenon. Lastly, internationally renowned researchers and authors Lynn Picknett and Clive Prince show that the paranormal cheerfully continues to manifest despite the best efforts and denials of people like Richard Dawkins.

Explore the uncharted realms of the paranormal in Paranormal Magazine. Unveiling the true nature of magick, bridging the gap between legends and technology. Discover the intersection of Quantum Physics and paranormal phenomena, where proof of magick's existence may lie.

Question the reality of life after death and our ability to communicate with the other side. Beyond ghosts and ghouls, delve into the multifaceted enigma of paranormal phenomena, unraveling the very essence of reality itself.

Each issue of Paranormal Magazine showcases these phenomena in action and strives to provide answers. Embark on this transformative journey with us, as it may fulfill your deepest hopes and aspirations.
Per saperne di più leggere di meno
Paranormal Magazine explores areas of the Paranormal that have been seldom tackled so far. For example, is Magick considerably more than just the stuff of legends? And could it be compared to a form of technology? Is there apparent proof of the reality of phenomena in the bizarre and convoluted world of Quantum Physics, and that magick might even be real?

Is there really proof that we survive physical death? Can we really and effectively communicate with the’other side’? Is this idea more than mere wishful thinking, and more importantly, can the departed really answer us?

No aspect of the multi-faceted world of the paranormal will be over-looked, because although fascinating enough, there is so much more to the enigma of paranormal phenomena than the ghosts and ghouls of tradition. To understand the basics of this most elusive phenomena, is to understand the very nature of reality itself.

In each issue of Paranormal Magazine, we hope to bring you examples of such phenomena at work and even more besides. If we can supply possible answers, we will, so stay with us because the journey may prove to be all you ever hoped for.

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Basato su 2 Recensioni dei clienti
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Interest in Paranormal this is for you

Interest in Paranormal this is for you... My interest started after seeing mysterious goings on at Tower of London. Not a place to spend Halloween night on guard in, with its history. This mag is full of insight. Recensito 26 ottobre 2018

Top notch

The best paranormal magazine read anywhere. Recensito 24 novembre 2012

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