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Parchment Craft Magazine May 2011 Edizione posteriore

249 Recensioni   •  English   •   Hobbies & Crafts (Arts & Crafts)
As I’m sat writing this, there’s evidence to suggest that winter is behind us and spring has finally sprung. The sun is out and it’s shining bright, there are buds on the trees and the plants are blossoming.
With that in mind there are a handful of floral themed designs in this month’s issue of Parchment Craft, some are coloured with dry pencils, while others have been finished in white work.

Examples of both the white work and coloured flowers can be found on pages six and eight respectively; designed by regular contributors Mary G. Kerr and Christine Coleman.
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Parchment Craft

May 2011 As I’m sat writing this, there’s evidence to suggest that winter is behind us and spring has finally sprung. The sun is out and it’s shining bright, there are buds on the trees and the plants are blossoming. With that in mind there are a handful of floral themed designs in this month’s issue of Parchment Craft, some are coloured with dry pencils, while others have been finished in white work. Examples of both the white work and coloured flowers can be found on pages six and eight respectively; designed by regular contributors Mary G. Kerr and Christine Coleman.

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Issue Cover

Parchment Craft  |  May 2011  

As I’m sat writing this, there’s evidence to suggest that winter is behind us and spring has finally sprung. The sun is out and it’s shining bright, there are buds on the trees and the plants are blossoming.
With that in mind there are a handful of floral themed designs in this month’s issue of Parchment Craft, some are coloured with dry pencils, while others have been finished in white work.

Examples of both the white work and coloured flowers can be found on pages six and eight respectively; designed by regular contributors Mary G. Kerr and Christine Coleman.
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The monthly magazine Parchment Craft remains the only publication of its kind anywhere in the world making it the premier choice for enthusiasts who demand the full diversity of their chosen subject. 

A global team of widely respected editorial contributors bring a broad range of parchment ideas, patterns and techniques every month presenting possibilities with new products as well as traditional methods including white work embossing and working with different colouring mediums.

Make sure that every single one of your creations is a show stopper with Parchment Craft digital magazine

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Basato su 249 Recensioni dei clienti
Visualizza le recensioni

Excellent value for money

Love this magazine as there are very few people (only know of 2 others) doing parchment in New Zealand. Receiving the magazine is like an old friend coming to visit with heaps of fabulous new ideas and patterns. Always look forward to printing out my online mag, sitting down with a cuppa and simply enjoying. Thanks a million.
Recensito 05 maggio 2021

Parchment Craft

The one thing that could improve? The mag heading says: "top tips and ideas for beginners" Sorry but that needs to improve, there are a lot of new people coming to the craft, more step by step patterns are needed e.g: how to do grid work and the different grids, lace work, colouring with pencil, ink, paints, a section of the magazine could be given over to newbie's. The mag used to do a "class" bring this back but dont use that of the past as things have changed! As someone who came to the craft a couple of years ago, i know i would have loved more of these things. basically, an idiots guide to parchment... it took me 3 years to find someone to help me, the magazine could have been my tutor! other than this, look through your friends on facebook, see what your followers are posting on thier own feeds and pick 2 people a month give them a gift like a set of gelly roll pens, dont wait for them to post on your feed. The more you do, the more people will come! Thank you. Naomi Thomson Recensito 07 febbraio 2021

Parchment Craft

I hope you consider bringing out a paper version for the USA subscribers. Recensito 28 novembre 2020

Parchment Craft

Lots of patterns to suit everyone. Lots of tips! Recensito 27 settembre 2020

Parchment Craft

love it Recensito 12 agosto 2020

Articoli in questo numero

Di seguito una selezione di articoli in Parchment Craft May 2011.

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Parchment Craft Jan/Feb 2022 Jan/Feb 2022 Acquista per €6,99 Vista | Al carrello
Parchment Craft Nov/Dec 2021 Nov/Dec 2021 Acquista per €6,99 Vista | Al carrello
Parchment Craft Sept/Oct 2021 Sept/Oct 2021 Acquista per €6,99 Vista | Al carrello
Parchment Craft July/Aug 2021 July/Aug 2021 Acquista per €6,99 Vista | Al carrello
Parchment Craft May/June 2021 May/June 2021 Acquista per €6,99 Vista | Al carrello
Parchment Craft Mar/Apr 2021 Mar/Apr 2021 Acquista per €6,99 Vista | Al carrello
Parchment Craft Jan/Feb 2021 Jan/Feb 2021 Acquista per €6,99 Vista | Al carrello
Parchment Craft Nov/Dec 2020 Nov/Dec 2020 Acquista per €6,99 Vista | Al carrello
Parchment Craft September/October 2020 September/October 2020 Acquista per €6,99 Vista | Al carrello
Parchment Craft July/August 2020 July/August 2020 Acquista per €6,99 Vista | Al carrello
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