Practical Wireless  |  January 2018
Keylines - Don is back from his trip to Bonaire and has been trying out the FT8 mode.
News - PW’s monthly roundup of news from the UK and internationally.
Review − The Ultra Lightweight Hexbeam - Steve Telenius-Lowe PJ4DX reports his experiences.
Review − Alpha Loop Magnetic Loop Antenna - Carl Gorse 2E0HPI takes a look .
Emerging Technology - Chris Lorek G4HCL shows at pioneering amateur radio techniques.
HF Highlights - Another packed postbag following a month that saw a busy CQWW Phone Contest and a number of significant DXpedition operations.
Rejuvenating the Yaesu FR-50B Receiver – Part 3 - Dr Samuel Ritchie EI9FZB completes his restoration
Valve & Vintage - We catch up with the latest developments at Ben Nock G4BXD’s Military Wireless Museum.
The World of VHF - Tim Kirby G4VXE has a packed column starting with a plea to support your local repeater group.
The PW Christmas Quiz - We have another Christmas Quiz, compiled once again by Bob Glasgow GM4UYZ.
A Morse Code Practice Oscillator - Wally Sawyer G7FHN offers a quick and easy project for a Morse code practice oscillator. Perhaps this could be a Christmas project and entertain and inform family and friends.
Data Modes - Mike Richards G4WNC brings news of the new Airspy HF+ receiver before turning to other data modes news, including APRS on the Pi.
What Next - Colin Redwood G6MXL suggests that readers become ambassadors for the hobby over Christmas, before considering some other amateur radio activities for the festive
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Di seguito una selezione di articoli in Practical Wireless January 2018.