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General Interest

Psychic News Magazine

12 numeri all'anno   |  English
31 Recensioni   •  English   •   General Interest (Spiritual & Religion)
From €2,83 per numero
Psychic News has been the leading publication covering Spiritualism, mediumship, healing and psychic science since it was established in 1932. Now a monthly magazine, Psychic News keeps you up to date on all paranormal subjects, and features the many and varied alternative and complementary therapies now enjoying popular interest around the world with the emergence of New Age thought.

Learn about astrology, healing, meditation, dream interpretation, spirit communication and how to live a spiritual life. Find out how mediumship and psychic abilities really work. Meet the mediums and psychics who make headlines with their accurate readings. Meet the celebrities who use mind, body and spirit methods to help them in their careers and daily lives. You can even put questions to our experts. Psychic News explores every aspect of the paranormal and psychic science, from acupuncture and consciousness to X-ray vision and yoga, and beyond. Essential reading for those eager to explore spiritual realities and other dimensions on their soul’s journey through this lifetime.

Psychic News challenges your conceptions about life and death and offers a new perspective on life’s purpose. It could change your life.
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Psychic News

July 2024 inside the July 2024 issue: Internationally acclaimed singer Jeralyn Glass outlines the healing power of music and sound, and some of their many benefits. Medium and teacher Ceryn Rowntree explores the fascinating field of flower clairsentience. Spiritualist church president Robert Harvey examines various aspects of spiritual healing. In her new book, medium Jacqui Rogers details how her brother’s passing triggered a psychic quest. Professional clairvoyant and tarot reader Richard Knight looks at the history and practice of automatic writing, and how you can develop it. Graham Jennings discovers that a clairvoyant’s father worked as a slave in the USA, delves into the controversial physical mediumship of two brothers, and the alleged secret origins of homeopathy. John West travels to the historic city of Canterbury and visits a number of haunted hotspots, including the Cathedral crypt allegedly haunted by the martyred archbishop Thomas Becket. A best-selling author describes intriguing spirit visits from renowned physicist Albert Einstein. Sudoku competition - Five lucky readers will win a deck of Denise Linn’s colourful The Time Traveller’s Oracle. And much, much more...

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€2,83 / edizione
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Issue Cover

Psychic News  |  July 2024  

inside the July 2024 issue: Internationally acclaimed singer Jeralyn Glass outlines the healing power of music and sound, and some of their many benefits.
Medium and teacher Ceryn Rowntree explores the fascinating field of flower clairsentience.
Spiritualist church president Robert Harvey examines various aspects of spiritual healing.
In her new book, medium Jacqui Rogers details how her brother’s passing triggered a psychic quest.
Professional clairvoyant and tarot reader Richard Knight looks at the history and practice of automatic writing, and how you can develop it.
Graham Jennings discovers that a clairvoyant’s father worked as a slave in the USA, delves into the controversial physical mediumship of two brothers, and the alleged secret origins of homeopathy.
John West travels to the historic city of Canterbury and visits a number of haunted hotspots, including the Cathedral crypt allegedly haunted by the martyred archbishop Thomas Becket.
A best-selling author describes intriguing spirit visits from renowned physicist Albert Einstein.
Sudoku competition - Five lucky readers will win a deck of Denise Linn’s colourful The Time Traveller’s Oracle.
And much, much more...
Per saperne di più leggere di meno
Psychic News has been the leading publication covering Spiritualism, mediumship, healing and psychic science since it was established in 1932. Now a monthly magazine, Psychic News keeps you up to date on all paranormal subjects, and features the many and varied alternative and complementary therapies now enjoying popular interest around the world with the emergence of New Age thought.

Learn about astrology, healing, meditation, dream interpretation, spirit communication and how to live a spiritual life. Find out how mediumship and psychic abilities really work. Meet the mediums and psychics who make headlines with their accurate readings. Meet the celebrities who use mind, body and spirit methods to help them in their careers and daily lives. You can even put questions to our experts. Psychic News explores every aspect of the paranormal and psychic science, from acupuncture and consciousness to X-ray vision and yoga, and beyond. Essential reading for those eager to explore spiritual realities and other dimensions on their soul’s journey through this lifetime.

Psychic News challenges your conceptions about life and death and offers a new perspective on life’s purpose. It could change your life.

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Basato su 31 Recensioni dei clienti
Visualizza le recensioni

Psychic News

Always informative and fun to read....Thanks to all who contribute! Recensito 02 giugno 2020

Psychic Review

As my wife is a Psychic she reads this mag, but it also finds its way to me, where else can you find articles on "psychic communication with animals"? You may laugh but I believe I have a psychic connection to our dog, I kid you not, knows we're going for a walk even before I take the lead out of the cupboard. Recensito 25 ottobre 2018

Articoli in questo numero

Di seguito una selezione di articoli in Psychic News July 2024.

Psychic News June 2024 June 2024 Acquista per €4,99 Vista | Al carrello
Psychic News May 2024 May 2024 Acquista per €4,99 Vista | Al carrello
Psychic News April 2024 April 2024 Acquista per €4,99 Vista | Al carrello
Psychic News March 2024 March 2024 Acquista per €4,99 Vista | Al carrello
Psychic News February 2024 February 2024 Acquista per €4,99 Vista | Al carrello
Psychic News January 2024 January 2024 Acquista per €4,99 Vista | Al carrello
Psychic News December 2023 December 2023 Acquista per €4,99 Vista | Al carrello
Psychic News November 2023 November 2023 Acquista per €4,99 Vista | Al carrello
Psychic News October October Acquista per €3,49 Vista | Al carrello
Psychic News September 2023 September 2023 Acquista per €3,49 Vista | Al carrello
Psychic News August 2023 August 2023 Acquista per €3,49 Vista | Al carrello
Psychic News July 2023 July 2023 Acquista per €3,49 Vista | Al carrello
Psychic News June 2023 June 2023 Acquista per €3,49 Vista | Al carrello
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