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Hobbies & Crafts

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Quercus Magazine

6 numeri all'anno   |  English
44 Recensioni   •  English   •   Hobbies & Crafts (Woodworking)
Quercus Magazine is aimed at woodworking enthusiasts, professional or amateur, with a passion for hand-tools and working by hand. We cover everything from green woodworking to furniture-making, chair-making and carving spoons or Sloyd. You will find sharpening tips and profiles of toolmakers and expert craftspeople, plus reviews of books, videos and social media posts and themes. We will be publishing the background details about people you follow and know on platforms like Instagram, Facebook, YouTube and Twitter. Our mission statement that Quercus Magazine is for anyone Working Wood by Hand (Mostly)
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Nov/Dec 23 The Chairmakers Toolbox is introducing woodwork to a whole new audience, and this issue founder Aspen Golann tells us how they have won more than $100,000 in awards to do so. Then there’s a report from Handworks 2023 in Iowa, possibly the most important show for woodworkers who love hand-tools. And we have practical things too. You can find out how to cut a dovetail in five minutes, and with chairs in mind, make a travisher for next to nothing from a spokeshave, and coincidentally discover to put handles on a spoon makers drawknife. CONTENTS Meet The Village Woodwright in Chicago Edward Bouvier makes a show stand for Quercus. Jögge Sundqvist on chipcarving grips Jögge holds a knife to cut letters and numbers Classic Tools Robin Gates explores the world of the moving fillister Barbie Gets Milling Oak When a fallen tree is about to burnt Barbie get out her chainsaw Report from Handworks 2023 Lots, and lots of tools and people The Special Japanese Spokeshave Masashi Kutsuwa reports on Kotaro Obuko’s wooden spokeshave All About Cricket Tables Turns out they’ve got nothing to do with cricket. Choosing an Apron What to consider when it comes to workshop clothiing. Dealing with Squeeze-Out Charles Mak on cleaning up glue

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Issue Cover

Quercus  |  Nov/Dec 23  

The Chairmakers Toolbox is introducing woodwork to a whole new audience, and this issue founder Aspen Golann tells us how they have won more than $100,000 in awards to do so. Then there’s a report from Handworks 2023 in Iowa, possibly the most important show for woodworkers who love hand-tools. And we have practical things too. You can find out how to cut a dovetail in five minutes, and with chairs in mind, make a travisher for next to nothing from a spokeshave, and coincidentally discover to put handles on a spoon makers drawknife.

Meet The Village Woodwright in Chicago
Edward Bouvier makes a show stand for Quercus.
Jögge Sundqvist on chipcarving grips
Jögge holds a knife to cut letters and numbers
Classic Tools
Robin Gates explores the world of the moving fillister
Barbie Gets Milling Oak
When a fallen tree is about to burnt Barbie get out her chainsaw
Report from Handworks 2023
Lots, and lots of tools and people
The Special Japanese Spokeshave
Masashi Kutsuwa reports on Kotaro Obuko’s wooden spokeshave
All About Cricket Tables
Turns out they’ve got nothing to do with cricket.
Choosing an Apron
What to consider when it comes to workshop clothiing.
Dealing with Squeeze-Out
Charles Mak on cleaning up glue
Per saperne di più leggere di meno
Quercus Magazine is aimed at woodworking enthusiasts, professional or amateur, with a passion for hand-tools and working by hand. We cover everything from green woodworking to furniture-making, chair-making and carving spoons or Sloyd. You will find sharpening tips and profiles of toolmakers and expert craftspeople, plus reviews of books, videos and social media posts and themes. We will be publishing the background details about people you follow and know on platforms like Instagram, Facebook, YouTube and Twitter. Our mission statement that Quercus Magazine is for anyone Working Wood by Hand (Mostly)

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Basato su 44 Recensioni dei clienti
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Di seguito una selezione di articoli in Quercus Nov/Dec 23.

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Quercus Nov/Dec 22 Nov/Dec 22 Acquista per €6,99 Vista | Al carrello
Quercus Sep/Oct 22 Sep/Oct 22 Acquista per €6,99 Vista | Al carrello
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Quercus Jan/Feb 22 Jan/Feb 22 Acquista per €6,99 Vista | Al carrello
Quercus Nov/Dec 21 Nov/Dec 21 Acquista per €6,99 Vista | Al carrello
Quercus Sept/Oct 21 Sept/Oct 21 Acquista per €6,99 Vista | Al carrello
Quercus July/Aug 21 July/Aug 21 Acquista per €6,99 Vista | Al carrello
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