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Railnews Magazine August 2017 Edizione posteriore

10 Recensioni   •  English   •   Aviation & Transport (Rail)
Only €3,49
ELECTRIFICATION schemes between Cardiff and Swansea, north of Kettering to Sheffield, and between Windermere and Oxenholme have been cancelled by the DfT, but there were angry protests in the north of England and south Wales after the transport secretary indicated the possibility of funding for London’s Crossrail 2.

Network Rail spent £3.9 billion on enhancing the railway network last year, but its chairman has warned that congestion is causing delays, while the government has published its plans for the next Phases of HS2, which comprise lines to Manchester via Crewe and also to Leeds via the East Midlands and South Yorkshire.

The Mayor of London has called on the government to follow Transport for London’s example and impose a freeze on National Rail fares in England in January, while in Hot Topic we ask what is the real cost of providing peak hour services for commuters, and do these passengers pay their way?

Elsewhere in this edition, our feature analyses the progress of East West Rail and sets out the next likely steps, and you can also meet Eddie, the 15-year old Tweeter who transformed Southern’s reputation in just a few hours.

Catch up with Eddie – and the rest of the railway – in Railnews for August.
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August 2017 ELECTRIFICATION schemes between Cardiff and Swansea, north of Kettering to Sheffield, and between Windermere and Oxenholme have been cancelled by the DfT, but there were angry protests in the north of England and south Wales after the transport secretary indicated the possibility of funding for London’s Crossrail 2. Network Rail spent £3.9 billion on enhancing the railway network last year, but its chairman has warned that congestion is causing delays, while the government has published its plans for the next Phases of HS2, which comprise lines to Manchester via Crewe and also to Leeds via the East Midlands and South Yorkshire. The Mayor of London has called on the government to follow Transport for London’s example and impose a freeze on National Rail fares in England in January, while in Hot Topic we ask what is the real cost of providing peak hour services for commuters, and do these passengers pay their way? Elsewhere in this edition, our feature analyses the progress of East West Rail and sets out the next likely steps, and you can also meet Eddie, the 15-year old Tweeter who transformed Southern’s reputation in just a few hours. Catch up with Eddie – and the rest of the railway – in Railnews for August.

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Issue Cover

Railnews  |  August 2017  

ELECTRIFICATION schemes between Cardiff and Swansea, north of Kettering to Sheffield, and between Windermere and Oxenholme have been cancelled by the DfT, but there were angry protests in the north of England and south Wales after the transport secretary indicated the possibility of funding for London’s Crossrail 2.

Network Rail spent £3.9 billion on enhancing the railway network last year, but its chairman has warned that congestion is causing delays, while the government has published its plans for the next Phases of HS2, which comprise lines to Manchester via Crewe and also to Leeds via the East Midlands and South Yorkshire.

The Mayor of London has called on the government to follow Transport for London’s example and impose a freeze on National Rail fares in England in January, while in Hot Topic we ask what is the real cost of providing peak hour services for commuters, and do these passengers pay their way?

Elsewhere in this edition, our feature analyses the progress of East West Rail and sets out the next likely steps, and you can also meet Eddie, the 15-year old Tweeter who transformed Southern’s reputation in just a few hours.

Catch up with Eddie – and the rest of the railway – in Railnews for August.
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Basato su 10 Recensioni dei clienti
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Really interesting

Great for all those trainspotters out there Recensito 25 aprile 2022

Always contemporary

The most up-to-date information on all with regard to the railway network Recensito 09 aprile 2022


I had a lot of trouble getting Railnews online so I've had to go back to getting it delivered. now we're in this pandemic, I'm having to go back to reading it online again. Recensito 08 maggio 2020

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