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Railway Magazine 1435 - October 2020 Edizione posteriore

297 Recensioni   •  English   •   Aviation & Transport (Rail)
Only €5,99
Welcome to The Railway Magazine October 2020.

SO, AFTER 24 years, franchising has finally ended.
Train operators will now have to work under tough new contracts known as Emergency Recovery Measures Agreements or can go down the road of negotiating their exit from the rail market.
Since Covid-19 took hold, life for everyone, including how we undertake the simplest tasks, has changed – possibly forever.
Under the proposals in the Williams report, the preference was a move to concession, where a fixed fee is paid. However, the new emergency agreements come with far tougher terms and penalties for late or dirty trains. Such agreements give the operator far less latitude than hitherto enjoyed, and raises a question as to how many current companies plan to stay in railways for a measly maximum of 1.5% of the cost base of the franchise before the pandemic began?
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Railway Magazine

1435 - October 2020 Welcome to The Railway Magazine October 2020. SO, AFTER 24 years, franchising has finally ended. Train operators will now have to work under tough new contracts known as Emergency Recovery Measures Agreements or can go down the road of negotiating their exit from the rail market. Since Covid-19 took hold, life for everyone, including how we undertake the simplest tasks, has changed – possibly forever. Under the proposals in the Williams report, the preference was a move to concession, where a fixed fee is paid. However, the new emergency agreements come with far tougher terms and penalties for late or dirty trains. Such agreements give the operator far less latitude than hitherto enjoyed, and raises a question as to how many current companies plan to stay in railways for a measly maximum of 1.5% of the cost base of the franchise before the pandemic began?

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Since 1897, The Railway Magazine has always provided interesting and informative updates on all the new train developments including networks, technology advancements, worldwide news, and engines in production. In every issue, you can look forward to modern and relevant news on relatable issues such as strikes, derailments, passenger service and facility upgrades that are happening across the nation.

More of a history buff? Don't worry we’ve got you covered! The Railway Magazine contains a plethora of articles on all kinds of classic, vintage, and heritage trains. All of these articles feature stunning photography of the marvellous engines, plus fan-submitted pictures and letters from different points in history.

With a team of writers and editors as passionate about the preservation and celebration of the railway, you’ll discover all there is to know about each unique steam train and its history. With a digital subscription to The Railway Magazine, you can also find the most current events happening across the country so you can view them in all their glory. 

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