It could be a Christmas card, but a problem with Parry People Mover unit No. 139002 on January 9, 2010, saw it taken off duties and replaced by 139001. This simple shunt makes use of the link to the main line and is used on Sundays to swap the units over, thus providing a rare chance for both units to be in the picture.
THE Stourbridge branch was served by Stourbridge shed, which predated the opening of the branch by many years, having been built to serve the Oxford, Worcester & Wolverhampton Railway. About a quarter of a mile north of Stambermill Viaduct, the shed was located on the west side of the line, close to where the 1859 incline branch met the main line.
An old BR ticket for Stourbridge Town to Stourbridge Junction. Today, the 3½ old pence fare would be equivalent to one new penny. The fare now is £1.10 single.
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