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Retro Pop Magazine

12 numeri all'anno   |  English
1 Recensioni   •  English   •   Music (Pop)
From €3,00 per numero
Retro Pop is a joyous celebration of pop music, fêting the biggest hits, hottest sounds and signature styles of the past five decades – and the artists who stood at the centre of it all!

Every month, we bring you 100 pages of pop nostalgia, featuring exclusive chats with the world’s premier acts, who candidly open up about their extraordinary successes and detail their latest projects.

In every issue, you’ll also find bumper features, quick read interviews, the latest news, release schedules, reviews and – of course – our pop quiz!
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Retro Pop

July 2024 It’s not uncommon for girl group stars to break away and launch solo careers, but Natasha Hamilton falls into the unique category of waiting 20 years before going it alone! She topped the charts back in the early-2000s with Atomic Kitten with a run of pop smashes that earned the pop trio their place in the history books, but now she’s back with her own record label and a brand new sound that sees her back doing what she does best. Sticking with the theme of going solo, this month we also check in with Marcella Detroit, who is celebrating 30 years of her post-Shakespears Sister album, ‘Jewel’, with a new expanded reissue of the record, plus there’s plenty more from soul legend Mica Paris as she returns to the stage for Chaka Khan’s Meltdown Festival in London, while singer-songwriter Kate Nash opens up about her epic new album, ‘9 Sad Symphonies’. She’s written songs for everyone from Cher, Britney Spears and Carly Rae Jepsen, to Katy Perry, Kelly Clarkson and Kesha, but now Bonnie McKee is finally releasing her ‘Hot City’ album - a massive, all-out collection of pop smashes - and she takes us behind some of her biggest hits. All that and more in the latest issue of RETROPOP!

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Issue Cover

Retro Pop  |  July 2024  

It’s not uncommon for girl group stars to break away and launch solo careers, but Natasha Hamilton falls into the unique category of waiting 20 years before going it alone!

She topped the charts back in the early-2000s with Atomic Kitten with a run of pop smashes that earned the pop trio their place in the history books, but now she’s back with her own record label and a brand new sound that sees her back doing what she does best.

Sticking with the theme of going solo, this month we also check in with Marcella Detroit, who is celebrating 30 years of her post-Shakespears Sister album, ‘Jewel’, with a new expanded reissue of the record, plus there’s plenty more from soul legend Mica Paris as she returns to the stage for Chaka Khan’s Meltdown Festival in London, while singer-songwriter Kate Nash opens up about her epic new album, ‘9 Sad Symphonies’.

She’s written songs for everyone from Cher, Britney Spears and Carly Rae Jepsen, to Katy Perry, Kelly Clarkson and Kesha, but now Bonnie McKee is finally releasing her ‘Hot City’ album - a massive, all-out collection of pop smashes - and she takes us behind some of her biggest hits.

All that and more in the latest issue of RETROPOP!
Per saperne di più leggere di meno
Retro Pop is a joyous celebration of pop music, fêting the biggest hits, hottest sounds and signature styles of the past five decades – and the artists who stood at the centre of it all!

Every month, we bring you 100 pages of pop nostalgia, featuring exclusive chats with the world’s premier acts, who candidly open up about their extraordinary successes and detail their latest projects.

In every issue, you’ll also find bumper features, quick read interviews, the latest news, release schedules, reviews and – of course – our pop quiz!

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Basato su 1 Recensioni dei clienti
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Finally the pop music magazine we deserve - just brilliant! Recensito 27 agosto 2022

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Retro Pop July 2023 July 2023 Acquista per €4,99 Vista | Al carrello
Retro Pop June 2023 June 2023 Acquista per €4,99 Vista | Al carrello
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