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Mojo Magazine

12 numeri all'anno   |  English
48 Recensioni   •  English   •   Music (Pop)
From €5,42 per numero

MOJO is the UK’s leading rock 'n’ roll music magazine, bringing its readers an unparalleled blend of expert journalism and iconic photography. Each issue explores the classic rock archives and delivers up some of the world’s biggest ever artists from across the decades. At the same time, MOJO Magazine helps you discover the latest breakthrough artists from around the country.

Each issue of MOJO Magazine brings you an exclusive feature from a rock icon, such as Neil Young, Bob Dylan, The Who and The Rolling Stones. MOJO covers all the greats from rock history, whilst still bringing you the latest offerings from today's heavyweight acts like The Arctic Monkeys and Radiohead.   

So if you love classic rock music, then you need to get yourself a digital subscription to MOJO Magazine today! 

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Mar-25 PAUL WELLER’s 50 GREATEST SONGS From In The City to 66, from The Jam to The Style Council to solo stardom, his timeless compositions unpicked and eulogised. Plus a brand new interview, insights from colleagues and admirers, and more. DONOVAN: “Jazz jigs”, jazz cigs, Mickie Most, Jimmy Page, law suits, sitars and Ed Sullivan: the making of folk’s pop subversive, by the man himself and his coterie. EDWYN COLLINS How Orange Juice’s flamboyant refusenik became a pop star – twice – and rebuilt his life after a near-fatal stroke. A bold new album underscores his recovery.

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Issue Cover

Mojo  |  Mar-25  

From In The City to 66, from The Jam to The Style Council to solo stardom, his timeless compositions unpicked and eulogised. Plus a brand new interview, insights from colleagues and admirers, and more.

DONOVAN: “Jazz jigs”, jazz cigs, Mickie Most, Jimmy Page,
law suits, sitars and Ed Sullivan: the making of folk’s pop subversive, by the man himself and his coterie.

How Orange Juice’s flamboyant refusenik became a pop star – twice – and rebuilt his life after a near-fatal stroke. A bold new album underscores his recovery.
Per saperne di più leggere di meno

For nearly 25 years, MOJO Magazine has been delighting rock music lovers around the world with expert journalism, big name features, iconic photography and no holds barred reviews. Each issue delves into the world of classic rock and showcases one of history's biggest and best acts. Each month, you’ll enjoy an iconic cover featuring music legends such as David Bowie, Bob Dylan, The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, The Who or The Smiths.

MOJO brings you the latest on groundbreaking new artists from around the UK, reviews of the latest albums to hit the shelves and features on the biggest live shows.   

With expert journalism from writers who know the genre inside and out and iconic photography capturing some of the biggest moments in rock history, each issue is a treasure trove for rock music lovers.      

So if you love all things rock 'n’ roll then you have to get yourself a digital subscription to MOJO Magazine today!


Get a digital subscription to MOJO Magazine today and every month you can enjoy all of this:

  • Hard-hitting reviews of the latest music and classic rock albums
  • Exclusive features with some of the world’s legendary artists
  • Iconic photography you won’t find anywhere else
  • Features on the biggest classic rock acts
  • Coverage of the best up and coming acts in the UK
  • Live show reviews
  • Classic album reissue news
  • The latest issue delivered directly to your device every month
  • A discount off the RRP price

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Basato su 48 Recensioni dei clienti
Visualizza le recensioni


The best music magazine. Recensito 24 agosto 2020


Has always been my favorite in terms broad content and price Recensito 18 agosto 2020


Great articles and a great review section! Great presentation/syle. Recensito 29 luglio 2020


Being a Rock DJ it's the best source to keep me up to date! Recensito 21 aprile 2020

One of the best

Never disappoints Recensito 18 luglio 2019

Articoli in questo numero

Di seguito una selezione di articoli in Mojo Mar-25.

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Mojo Dec-24 Dec-24 Acquista per €7,99 Vista | Al carrello
Mojo Nov-24 Nov-24 Acquista per €7,99 Vista | Al carrello
Mojo Oct-24 Oct-24 Acquista per €7,99 Vista | Al carrello
Mojo Sep-24 Sep-24 Acquista per €7,99 Vista | Al carrello
Mojo Aug-24 Aug-24 Acquista per €7,99 Vista | Al carrello
Mojo Jul-24 Jul-24 Acquista per €7,99 Vista | Al carrello
Mojo Jun-24 Jun-24 Acquista per €7,99 Vista | Al carrello
Mojo May-24 May-24 Acquista per €7,99 Vista | Al carrello
Mojo Apr-24 Apr-24 Acquista per €7,99 Vista | Al carrello
Mojo Mar-24 Mar-24 Acquista per €7,99 Vista | Al carrello
Mojo Feb-24 Feb-24 Acquista per €7,99 Vista | Al carrello
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