Row360  |  Issue 004 - Jan | Feb 2015
Welcome to Row360, the world’s only global, independent rowing magazine. Row360 brings you features from around the world, profiling the best athletes, coaches, and others from the whole rowing community – Olympic, Paralympic, college, club, ocean, and more.
Highlights this month:
Patriot Games - Julien Bahain’s switch from France to Canada prompted an identity crisis. Now he is eager to prove himself for his new nation.
Propulsion: How To Get The Best Stroke - Carl Douglas continues his Fluid Dynamics series
San Diego Crew Classic - The California regatta starts the season
American Dreaming - Andrew Campbell is set on going to Rio, but the lack of official funding means that he and a team of lightweight rowers are building their very own Olympic programme.
Coaching on the Knife-Edge - Rowing in South Africa is constantly balancing near the financial precipice, but head coach Roger Barrow has somehow managed to form a squad capable of winning at the very highest level.
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Articoli in questo numero
Di seguito una selezione di articoli in Row360 Issue 004 - Jan | Feb 2015.