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Rugby League World Magazine 495 Edizione posteriore

13 Recensioni   •  English   •   Sport (Rugby)
Only €5,99
Inside this issue we have a club-by-club preview of the Women's Super League season.
Reigning champions York Valkyrie are the team to beat, with big hitters Leeds Rhinos and St Helens breathing down their necks for glory. Check out our analysis of how the season will unfold, with some expert opinion from Danika Priim, starting on page 36.
Elsewhere, we catch up with Kallum Watkins who has made it his mission to lead Salford Red Devils from the front and overcome the off-field challenges which have impacted the club’s playing strength.
We get a first-hand report from Las Vegas on the NRL’s spectacular season launch and find out what its lasting legacy could be, and we ask Wigan’s coach and captain for the secret of their success as they celebrate a fifth world club championship.
We pay a visit to a rejuvenated Wakefield Trinity who have treated relegation from Super League as a blessing in disguise as they rebuild the club in the Championship, and in League One, we hear from one of Cornwall’s most travelled players.
All this, plus a feature on the new Wheelchair Rugby League season, and our regular international coverage including a look at Papua New Guinea's chances of providing the NRL's 18th club.
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Rugby League World

495 Inside this issue we have a club-by-club preview of the Women's Super League season. Reigning champions York Valkyrie are the team to beat, with big hitters Leeds Rhinos and St Helens breathing down their necks for glory. Check out our analysis of how the season will unfold, with some expert opinion from Danika Priim, starting on page 36. Elsewhere, we catch up with Kallum Watkins who has made it his mission to lead Salford Red Devils from the front and overcome the off-field challenges which have impacted the club’s playing strength. We get a first-hand report from Las Vegas on the NRL’s spectacular season launch and find out what its lasting legacy could be, and we ask Wigan’s coach and captain for the secret of their success as they celebrate a fifth world club championship. We pay a visit to a rejuvenated Wakefield Trinity who have treated relegation from Super League as a blessing in disguise as they rebuild the club in the Championship, and in League One, we hear from one of Cornwall’s most travelled players. All this, plus a feature on the new Wheelchair Rugby League season, and our regular international coverage including a look at Papua New Guinea's chances of providing the NRL's 18th club.

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Rugby League World issue 495

Rugby League World  |  495  

Inside this issue we have a club-by-club preview of the Women's Super League season.
Reigning champions York Valkyrie are the team to beat, with big hitters Leeds Rhinos and St Helens breathing down their necks for glory. Check out our analysis of how the season will unfold, with some expert opinion from Danika Priim, starting on page 36.
Elsewhere, we catch up with Kallum Watkins who has made it his mission to lead Salford Red Devils from the front and overcome the off-field challenges which have impacted the club’s playing strength.
We get a first-hand report from Las Vegas on the NRL’s spectacular season launch and find out what its lasting legacy could be, and we ask Wigan’s coach and captain for the secret of their success as they celebrate a fifth world club championship.
We pay a visit to a rejuvenated Wakefield Trinity who have treated relegation from Super League as a blessing in disguise as they rebuild the club in the Championship, and in League One, we hear from one of Cornwall’s most travelled players.
All this, plus a feature on the new Wheelchair Rugby League season, and our regular international coverage including a look at Papua New Guinea's chances of providing the NRL's 18th club.
Per saperne di più leggere di meno
Your access all areas pass behind the scenes of the world of Rugby League. Packed with the colour and detail behind the news with views and analysis from the sport's leading writers. Essential reading for anyone who cares about Rugby League no matter where or what level it is played. From grassroots rugby to the professional elite, the biggest domestic and international clashes, we get up close and personal with star players, coaches and those who make the game tick.

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Basato su 13 Recensioni dei clienti
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Excellent magazine

Best magazine for rugby league fans Recensito 27 gennaio 2022

Good Mag for Rugby league Fans

Good Mag for Rugby league Fans like me. Recensito 26 ottobre 2018

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