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Scottish Islands Explorer Magazine January-February 2012 Edizione posteriore

25 Recensioni   •  English   •   Leisure Interest (Travel)
Only €3,49
A great way to have started 2012 was by Power-kiting above Barra; seeing how the South Lochs of Lewis have developed; going the short haul to Great Cumbrae; or the really long trek out to Crola, near Kinlochresort, on the boundaries of Harris and Lewis; considering goats on Rum and Highland Cattle throughout the islands; learning about lighthouses; seeing more of Orkney's Westray Wifie. There's much more as well.
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Scottish Islands Explorer

January-February 2012 A great way to have started 2012 was by Power-kiting above Barra; seeing how the South Lochs of Lewis have developed; going the short haul to Great Cumbrae; or the really long trek out to Crola, near Kinlochresort, on the boundaries of Harris and Lewis; considering goats on Rum and Highland Cattle throughout the islands; learning about lighthouses; seeing more of Orkney's Westray Wifie. There's much more as well.

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3,49 / issue
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Issue Cover

Scottish Islands Explorer  |  January-February 2012  

A great way to have started 2012 was by Power-kiting above Barra; seeing how the South Lochs of Lewis have developed; going the short haul to Great Cumbrae; or the really long trek out to Crola, near Kinlochresort, on the boundaries of Harris and Lewis; considering goats on Rum and Highland Cattle throughout the islands; learning about lighthouses; seeing more of Orkney's Westray Wifie. There's much more as well.
Per saperne di più leggere di meno
This magazine is essential reading for anyone interested in the Scottish islands, a unique part of Britain. Its in-depth articles and focused items are a great preparation for going there or a fine way of experiencing these compelling places through the most modern media.

You will receive a Free Special Issue to browse and to marvel at the ways in which these islands come alive despite being formed of the most ancient of rocks.

They have always attracted people owing to their landscapes, seascapes, history, language, culture, wildlife and photogenic qualities. Remote places appeal and either lure visitors directly or arouse interest through words and images.

This magazine has wide appeal with full-length articles, short pieces, personal insights, topical matters & events - all illustrated with acclaimed photographs - plus book reviews and a prize crossword.

Whether you anticipate seeing or just want to read about the Northern and Western Isles, the islands of Arran, Bute and Cumbrae in the Clyde, and the intriguing ‘Outliers’ which include St Kilda and Rockall, this is the magazine for you. It’s a stimulating read from cover-to-cover, with stunning images that reflect a region renowned for discovery and exploration and which merits your attention.

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Basato su 25 Recensioni dei clienti
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My favorite Magazine

I always look forward to the next issue of this magazine. Pictures are beautiful, articles are informative and its a great resource for our travels from USA to Scottish Islands. This is in top 5 of my favorite magazines ever. Number one for travel. Recensito 08 agosto 2019

Articoli in questo numero

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