Scottish Islands Explorer  |  Sept-Oct 2013
The Guest Columnist, Nic Goddard, for this issue resides on Rum, an island with a long history. The flora and fauna of Fair Isle evolved long ago and is traced by Richard Clubley, although one of the island's 21st Century productions is the original publication of this magazine. Marc Calhoun and David McVey look at 'inland isles' in Loch Lomond and in Perth. Jane Ann Liston cycles around a variety of places served by the PS Waverley and Mavis Gulliver crosses an Argyll causeway to Danna. Jeffrey Stone goes out into the Atlantic to invetigate graves on Heisgeir or The Monachs. Discover many other places for yourself in this new issue that focuses on Sumburgh Head, Shetland.
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Di seguito una selezione di articoli in Scottish Islands Explorer Sept-Oct 2013.