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Scottish Memories Magazine Your guide to Homecoming Scotland 2014 Edizione speciale

3 Recensioni   •  English   •   General Interest (History & Knowledge)
Your 48-page guide to Homecoming 2014 events includes…

• In-depth listings of more than 250 events

• Interview with athlete Eilidh Child, who will be competing in the 400 metres hurdles at this year’s Commonwealth Games in Glasgow.

• Exclusive background to the battle of Bannockburn and a preview of the Bannockburn Live celebrations

• Interviews with the organisers of two events making up this year’s special Whisky Month celebrations in May

• Your guide to the new John Muir Way and the festival planned to celebrate the opening of the trail

• Interviews with clan members making plans for Homecoming

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Scottish Memories

Your guide to Homecoming Scotland 2014 Your 48-page guide to Homecoming 2014 events includes… • In-depth listings of more than 250 events • Interview with athlete Eilidh Child, who will be competing in the 400 metres hurdles at this year’s Commonwealth Games in Glasgow. • Exclusive background to the battle of Bannockburn and a preview of the Bannockburn Live celebrations • Interviews with the organisers of two events making up this year’s special Whisky Month celebrations in May • Your guide to the new John Muir Way and the festival planned to celebrate the opening of the trail • Interviews with clan members making plans for Homecoming Download it now for FREE!

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Issue Cover

Scottish Memories  |  Your guide to Homecoming Scotland 2014  

Your 48-page guide to Homecoming 2014 events includes…

• In-depth listings of more than 250 events

• Interview with athlete Eilidh Child, who will be competing in the 400 metres hurdles at this year’s Commonwealth Games in Glasgow.

• Exclusive background to the battle of Bannockburn and a preview of the Bannockburn Live celebrations

• Interviews with the organisers of two events making up this year’s special Whisky Month celebrations in May

• Your guide to the new John Muir Way and the festival planned to celebrate the opening of the trail

• Interviews with clan members making plans for Homecoming

Download it now for FREE!
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Scottish Memories is a monthly magazine which takes a nostalgic look at Scotland’s past. Fascinating features recall the fashions, events and people of yesteryear, while members of the growing reader community share their own memories in the hugely popular 'Scotland Remembered' pages.

Every month our loyal readers return to the magazine to sample beautiful photography showcasing the country’s stunning scenery, catch up on the latest news and events, discover another corner of Scotland in the comprehensive Destination travel guide, and interact with fellow readers.

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Basato su 3 Recensioni dei clienti
Visualizza le recensioni

Wonderful Magazine

Such a wonderful magazine full of interesting tid bits. Recensito 08 agosto 2019

Smashing mag!

This is a great read for someone who grew up in Scotland, lots of nostalgic articles, images as well as some lovely landscape scenes of Scotalnd. Great. Recensito 13 settembre 2013

Living in Australia I have had so much pleasure reading the Scottish Memories magazine..........particularly the Christmas/New Year issues. Brings back memories of the best years of my life.

Fantastic publication!
Recensito 06 novembre 2012

Articoli in questo numero

Di seguito una selezione di articoli in Scottish Memories Your guide to Homecoming Scotland 2014.

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Scottish Memories February 2016 February 2016 Acquista per €5,99 Vista | Al carrello
Scottish Memories January 2016 January 2016 Acquista per €5,99 Vista | Al carrello
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