South Australian Angler  |  SA Angler Oct Nov 17
Our October/November issue has a definite spring feel to it. We kick off with a spring fishing planner, which covers SA from the Victorian border through to the Far West Coast. Then there’s a neat piece on catching big redfin and a comprehensive ‘how to’ on improving your calamari catch. Paul Worsteling provides a detailed account of the latest IFISH shoot in SA, Jamie Crawford gives us the good oil on bottom bouncing, Graham Keegan looks at the mess we’ve made of the Coorong, and Peter Nicholls explains how to stay legal when towing your boat this season.
We test a couple of great boats, take a look at what’s new in soft plastics and check out the best value in fishing reels for the summer.
There’s something for every fisho, so don’t miss it!
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Di seguito una selezione di articoli in South Australian Angler SA Angler Oct Nov 17.