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Superbike Magazine October 2014 Edizione posteriore

7 Recensioni   •  English   •   Aviation & Transport (Motorcycles)
It’s funny, the merry-go-round that PR people and we journalists have at this time of year. We all know there are new bikes coming from here and there. It’s our job to separate the crap and hyperbole from the genuine newsworthy detail so that you can feel informed after reading our content. I’ve been making the same calls to press and PR guys for the last ten years, the calls where grown men pretend something that exists doesn’t exist. It’s frustratingly hilarious. Like watching a man dressed as a gorilla trying to play the drums for chocolate. Some manufacturers are more candid than others and it can be frustrating for both parties who are trying to achieve the same thing to get anywhere. Ah well, I suppose if ever there was a time to direct you to our website, it’d be now. Keep an eye out on there for when Yamaha finally decide to tell everyone about the new R1, and other motorbikes, of course.
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Superbike Magazine

October 2014 It’s funny, the merry-go-round that PR people and we journalists have at this time of year. We all know there are new bikes coming from here and there. It’s our job to separate the crap and hyperbole from the genuine newsworthy detail so that you can feel informed after reading our content. I’ve been making the same calls to press and PR guys for the last ten years, the calls where grown men pretend something that exists doesn’t exist. It’s frustratingly hilarious. Like watching a man dressed as a gorilla trying to play the drums for chocolate. Some manufacturers are more candid than others and it can be frustrating for both parties who are trying to achieve the same thing to get anywhere. Ah well, I suppose if ever there was a time to direct you to our website, it’d be now. Keep an eye out on there for when Yamaha finally decide to tell everyone about the new R1, and other motorbikes, of course.

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Issue Cover

Superbike Magazine  |  October 2014  

It’s funny, the merry-go-round that PR people and we journalists have at this time of year. We all know there are new bikes coming from here and there. It’s our job to separate the crap and hyperbole from the genuine newsworthy detail so that you can feel informed after reading our content. I’ve been making the same calls to press and PR guys for the last ten years, the calls where grown men pretend something that exists doesn’t exist. It’s frustratingly hilarious. Like watching a man dressed as a gorilla trying to play the drums for chocolate. Some manufacturers are more candid than others and it can be frustrating for both parties who are trying to achieve the same thing to get anywhere. Ah well, I suppose if ever there was a time to direct you to our website, it’d be now. Keep an eye out on there for when Yamaha finally decide to tell everyone about the new R1, and other motorbikes, of course.
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Basato su 7 Recensioni dei clienti
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Fabulous Super Bike Mag

Fabulous Super Bike Mag 13 issues per year, now in digital form apparently. Great for all ranges of the Super Bike scene. Recensito 07 luglio 2019


This does exactly what it needs to, adds just that little bit extra over the printed copy. Recensito 25 novembre 2012

Do it

Not the greatest navigation (could be my fingers on this screen) but an absolutely epic mag! Recensito 23 novembre 2012

Excellent mag, still one of the best need more sales!! Recensito 05 ottobre 2012

Love this magazine! Great team of writers and riders with fantastic humor and loads of information. Recensito 04 luglio 2012

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Superbike Magazine August 2014 August 2014 Acquista per €4,99 Vista | Al carrello
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Superbike Magazine February 2014 February 2014 Acquista per €4,99 Vista | Al carrello
Superbike Magazine January 2014 January 2014 Acquista per €4,99 Vista | Al carrello
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