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Teach Early Years Magazine Vol.11 No.1 Edizione posteriore

2 Recensioni   •  English   •   Trade & Professional (Education)
So spring has sprung, and with the new life the season brings comes renewed hope that at least some measure of normality will return soon. It goes without saying that COVID-19 has been an incredible challenge for everybody, but those working in the early years sector have truly been on the front lines, providing a service underpinning all of society. With funding an ongoing and increasing concern, and the stresses of going to work in the middle of a global pandemic to contend with, it is unavoidable that some, if not most, will be feeling the strain. The Early Years Alliance’s Melanie Pilcher addresses the need to “care for the carers” and shares some timely advice on safeguarding staff wellbeing.
Of course, amidst all the COVID chaos, the job of caring for and supporting the development of the under-fives presents the same challenges as always, and with the added factor of an incoming revision to the EYFS to contend with, providers everywhere have their hands full. This issue of TEY aims to help, as always – look out for thoughts on the latest iteration of Development Matters and an assessment of the implications of the revised framework on SEND practice. Elsewhere, be sure to read Sue Cowley’s insights into the importance of self-regulation and Laura England’s efforts to put inclusivity at the heart of her practice. We hope you find it useful!
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Teach Early Years

Vol.11 No.1 So spring has sprung, and with the new life the season brings comes renewed hope that at least some measure of normality will return soon. It goes without saying that COVID-19 has been an incredible challenge for everybody, but those working in the early years sector have truly been on the front lines, providing a service underpinning all of society. With funding an ongoing and increasing concern, and the stresses of going to work in the middle of a global pandemic to contend with, it is unavoidable that some, if not most, will be feeling the strain. The Early Years Alliance’s Melanie Pilcher addresses the need to “care for the carers” and shares some timely advice on safeguarding staff wellbeing. Of course, amidst all the COVID chaos, the job of caring for and supporting the development of the under-fives presents the same challenges as always, and with the added factor of an incoming revision to the EYFS to contend with, providers everywhere have their hands full. This issue of TEY aims to help, as always – look out for thoughts on the latest iteration of Development Matters and an assessment of the implications of the revised framework on SEND practice. Elsewhere, be sure to read Sue Cowley’s insights into the importance of self-regulation and Laura England’s efforts to put inclusivity at the heart of her practice. We hope you find it useful!

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Issue Cover

Teach Early Years  |  Vol.11 No.1  

So spring has sprung, and with the new life the season brings comes renewed hope that at least some measure of normality will return soon. It goes without saying that COVID-19 has been an incredible challenge for everybody, but those working in the early years sector have truly been on the front lines, providing a service underpinning all of society. With funding an ongoing and increasing concern, and the stresses of going to work in the middle of a global pandemic to contend with, it is unavoidable that some, if not most, will be feeling the strain. The Early Years Alliance’s Melanie Pilcher addresses the need to “care for the carers” and shares some timely advice on safeguarding staff wellbeing.
Of course, amidst all the COVID chaos, the job of caring for and supporting the development of the under-fives presents the same challenges as always, and with the added factor of an incoming revision to the EYFS to contend with, providers everywhere have their hands full. This issue of TEY aims to help, as always – look out for thoughts on the latest iteration of Development Matters and an assessment of the implications of the revised framework on SEND practice. Elsewhere, be sure to read Sue Cowley’s insights into the importance of self-regulation and Laura England’s efforts to put inclusivity at the heart of her practice. We hope you find it useful!
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Teach Early Years has everything you need to provide outstanding care and education for children aged 0–5 years.
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Practical ways to support learning and development.
Inspirational insights into successful nursery settings.
Ideas and opinions from early years experts.
Tips on running a sustainable childcare business.
Information about child health and nutrition.
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Basato su 2 Recensioni dei clienti
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