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Trade & Professional

Technology and Innovation Magazine

1 Recensioni   •  English   •   Trade & Professional (Education)
Highlighting and celebrating the very best in 21st century teaching and learning, Technology and Innovation is bursting with inspiration and information for today's secondary school educators, whatever their specialist subject. The latest, most exciting products and resources are put through their paces with robust reviews and behind-the-scenes interviews with developers; there's expert advice on everything from collaborative working and the flipped classroom to establishing an effective BYOD policy and using social media with students; along with plenty of real-life stories from schools that have put creative and flexible IT at the heart of the curriculum – and a healthy dash of wry humour, too. Plus, discover the winners of the first ever Technology and Innovation Awards, in association with LEGO (R) Education.

It's not about gimmicks or fads – the message throughout is that 'learning comes first'; if the technology is not going to help students, or make teachers' lives easier, or both... then it doesn't matter how clever or impressive it is, it's not here.
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Technology and Innovation

Issue 10 From typewriters to tape machines, from TVs to computers, the story of technology in education once amounted to a timeline of labour-saving devices deployed (resources depending), in ways that let teaching staff and administrators accomplish more in less time, and with steadily improving outcomes. Sure, computer science teachers might have been kept on their toes by the determination of some 12-year-olds to play games on those whizzy new BBC Micros – but for the most part, the volume, expense, complexity and relative scarcity of the technologies in question largely ensured they would only be used by approved personnel for their intended purpose.

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Issue Cover

Technology and Innovation  |  Issue 10  

From typewriters to tape machines, from TVs to
computers, the story of technology in education
once amounted to a timeline of labour-saving devices
deployed (resources depending), in ways that let
teaching staff and administrators accomplish more in
less time, and with steadily improving outcomes.
Sure, computer science teachers might have been
kept on their toes by the determination of some
12-year-olds to play games on those whizzy new BBC Micros – but for the most
part, the volume, expense, complexity and relative scarcity of the technologies
in question largely ensured they would only be used by approved personnel for
their intended purpose.
Per saperne di più leggere di meno
Highlighting and celebrating the very best in 21st century teaching and learning, Technology and Innovation is bursting with inspiration and information for today's secondary school educators, whatever their specialist subject. The latest, most exciting products and resources are put through their paces with robust reviews and behind-the-scenes interviews with developers; there's expert advice on everything from collaborative working and the flipped classroom to establishing an effective BYOD policy and using social media with students; along with plenty of real-life stories from schools that have put creative and flexible IT at the heart of the curriculum – and a healthy dash of wry humour, too. Plus, discover the winners of the first ever Technology and Innovation Awards, in association with LEGO (R) Education.

It's not about gimmicks or fads – the message throughout is that 'learning comes first'; if the technology is not going to help students, or make teachers' lives easier, or both... then it doesn't matter how clever or impressive it is, it's not here.

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Basato su 1 Recensioni dei clienti
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Interesting Tech & Inovation Mag

Interesting Tech & Inovation Mag Recensito 21 agosto 2022

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