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Chap Magazine Issue 66 Edizione posteriore

24 Recensioni   •  English   •   Men's Interest (Lifestyle)
Only €3,49
THE CHAP A JOURNAL FOR THE MODERN GENTLEMAN Founded in 1999, The Chap takes a satirical look at the modern world through the eyes of an old-fashioned English gentleman. The Chap seeks to maintain decorum, standards and, above all, correct dress, and it goes about this by celebrating the great dandies and gentlemen of the past, as well as casting a critical eye over the rather disappointing dress habits of today. Readers are invited to send their photos in for a sartorial assessment and thes
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Issue 66 THE CHAP A JOURNAL FOR THE MODERN GENTLEMAN Founded in 1999, The Chap takes a satirical look at the modern world through the eyes of an old-fashioned English gentleman. The Chap seeks to maintain decorum, standards and, above all, correct dress, and it goes about this by celebrating the great dandies and gentlemen of the past, as well as casting a critical eye over the rather disappointing dress habits of today. Readers are invited to send their photos in for a sartorial assessment and thes

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Issue Cover

Chap  |  Issue 66  

THE CHAP A JOURNAL FOR THE MODERN GENTLEMAN Founded in 1999, The Chap takes a satirical look at the modern world through the eyes of an old-fashioned English gentleman. The Chap seeks to maintain decorum, standards and, above all, correct dress, and it goes about this by celebrating the great dandies and gentlemen of the past, as well as casting a critical eye over the rather disappointing dress habits of today. Readers are invited to send their photos in for a sartorial assessment and thes
Per saperne di più leggere di meno
CHAP is a well-established British fashion and humour magazine covering all aspects of living like a gentleman in the 21st century. Articles range from advice on buying vintage clothes, interviews with dandies, tailors, burlesque dancers and fashionable folk from around the world, and features on new clothing brands using retro inspired designs for men and women. After 18 years, CHAP has recently relaunched, doubling its size and broadening its editorial scope to include art, film and book reviews, politics, social commentary and guides to global vintage events, while retaining its ten-point Chap Manifesto and its witty interaction with the readership. If you’re a man or woman who finds contemporary fashion challenging, yet doesn’t want to live exclusively in the past, CHAP is here to navigate you through the past and the present, and help you find your way to true timeless elegance without any compromise on quality or dignity. It’s also funny, witty, silly and irreverent, with content deliberately edited to avoiding anything particularly time sensitive.

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Basato su 24 Recensioni dei clienti
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Needs more steampunk Recensito 18 novembre 2020


A great magazine everyone should have ! Recensito 06 settembre 2020


This is just the sort of reading matter I like - a modern take on days long past eg Edwardian. There's a definite place in the world for eccentricity, although in a small Devon town near Dartmoor I'm a bit of stand-out! Still, one must persevere, and 'Chap' is a real encouragement. Keep up the good work, chaps! Recensito 19 maggio 2020

Great British fashion magazine

Ideal for all of those interested in British politics and fashion articles for men Recensito 13 settembre 2017

Articoli in questo numero

Di seguito una selezione di articoli in Chap Issue 66.

Chap CHAP Summer/Autumn 24 CHAP Summer/Autumn 24 Acquista per €9,99 Vista | Al carrello
Chap CHAP Spring 24 CHAP Spring 24 Acquista per €5,99 Vista | Al carrello
Chap CHAP Winter 23 CHAP Winter 23 Acquista per €9,99 Vista | Al carrello
Chap CHAP Autumn 23 CHAP Autumn 23 Acquista per €9,99 Vista | Al carrello
Chap CHAP Summer 23 CHAP Summer 23 Acquista per €9,99 Vista | Al carrello
Chap CHAP Spring 23 CHAP Spring 23 Acquista per €5,99 Vista | Al carrello
Chap The Chap 114 The Chap 114 Acquista per €5,99 Vista | Al carrello
Chap The Chap 112 The Chap 112 Acquista per €5,99 Vista | Al carrello
Chap The Chap Spring 111 The Chap Spring 111 Acquista per €5,99 Vista | Al carrello
Chap The Chap 110 The Chap 110 Acquista per €5,99 Vista | Al carrello
Chap Autumn 2021 Autumn 2021 Acquista per €5,99 Vista | Al carrello
Chap Summer 2021 Summer 2021 Acquista per €5,99 Vista | Al carrello
Chap Spring 2021 Spring 2021 Acquista per €5,99 Vista | Al carrello
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