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The Hockey Paper Magazine

52 numeri all'anno   |  English
0 Recensioni   •  English   •   Sport (Other)
The Hockey Paper presents a unique package of information, ranging from breaking news stories, in-depth interviews, analysis and gossip.

Led by former Telegraph correspondent Rod Gilmour, The Hockey Paper features columnists such as Simon Mason, Nick Irvine, Beckie Middleton and Todd Williams.

The Hockey Paper covers all matches played in the men’s and women’s Premier Divisions and extensive round-ups of the six Conferences below.

It also reports on field hockey action throughout Europe and the wider world along with big interviews with star players, special features on grass roots, universities and schools and an extensive results and fixtures section.
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The Hockey Paper

5th April 2017 CHIEFS TO CONSIDER CALLS FOR A PC BAN World hockey chiefs will look into the possibility of changing penalty corner rules with players continuing to express fears over safety and serious injury. Narinder Batra, the International Hockey Federation president, said earlier this year that any potential ban wouldn’t be imposed before the 2018 World Cups. However, a recent FIH restructuring of its panels and committees will push the matter onto the agenda of the new health and safety committee in Lausanne. “It will be up to them to make any recommendations to the FIH executive board, along with proposed timelines if required,” said Jason McCracken, the FIH chief executive.

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Issue Cover

The Hockey Paper  |  5th April 2017  

World hockey chiefs will look into the possibility of changing penalty corner rules with players continuing to express fears over safety and serious injury. Narinder Batra, the International Hockey Federation president, said earlier this year that any potential ban wouldn’t be imposed before the 2018 World Cups. However, a recent FIH restructuring of its panels and committees will push the matter onto the agenda of the new health and safety committee in Lausanne. “It will be up to them to make any recommendations to the FIH executive board, along with proposed timelines if required,” said Jason McCracken, the FIH chief executive.
Per saperne di più leggere di meno
The Hockey Paper presents a unique package of information, ranging from breaking news stories, in-depth interviews, analysis and gossip.

Led by former Telegraph correspondent Rod Gilmour, The Hockey Paper features columnists such as Simon Mason, Nick Irvine, Beckie Middleton and Todd Williams.

The Hockey Paper covers all matches played in the men’s and women’s Premier Divisions and extensive round-ups of the six Conferences below.

It also reports on field hockey action throughout Europe and the wider world along with big interviews with star players, special features on grass roots, universities and schools and an extensive results and fixtures section.

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Di seguito una selezione di articoli in The Hockey Paper 5th April 2017.

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